Chapter 11

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Would anybody be interested in a character ask?

Kellin's P.O.V.

"Vic, does it really matter if the outfit you get is yellow or green?" I ask my husband. Josh and him were arguing over which color to get and they both turned to me pouting. "Yes Kellin, I want green but Josh wants yellow," Vic says. "How about just get one of those outfits in one color and a different outfit in the other color," I suggest, rubbing my stomach as my son gives a pretty hard kick.

"Okay," Vic agrees looking at Josh who nods and grabs a different outfit in yellow. I feel another kick and gently rub my stomach. "Ready to go?" Vic asks me as he puts the two outfits in the cart. "I think you know I'm ready," I smile, quoting Panic! At The Disco. He smiles and shakes his head at me. "Mommy, when will Jasey be here?" Josh asks as he slips his hand into mine.

"It won't be too long before he's here," I promise my two year old. "Okay!" he exclaims. Vic goes through check out while Josh and I head to the car. We get there and I start the car before putting Josh in and buckling him. Vic comes out a few minutes later and puts the couple of bags in the trunk before getting in.

"Daddy, can we stop and get ice cream?" Josh asks. "Ask your Mom," Vic shrugs. "Vic, I refuse to be those kinds of parents," I warn him. "Okay. Yes we can get ice cream," Vic nods and Josh cheers in the back seat. I close my eyes and lean back against the seat. Josh and Vic were talking about which ice cream they wanted and I smile as they start to bicker on which ice cream flavor is better. 

"Darling, are you tired?" Vic asks. "Yeah," I hum, opening my eyes halfway to look at him. I feel a swift kick to my stomach before feeling my water break. Oh crap! Vic, go to the hospital!" I exclaim. "Why, what's wrong?" he asks me, making a U-turn to the hospital. "My water just broke," I inform him calmly. "What does that mean?" Josh asks from the backseat. "It means that your baby brother is coming," I explain to him. "Really! I can't wait!" he exclaims. I laugh slightly, wincing as contractions pass through every few minutes. We finally pull into the parking lot of the hospital and all rush inside as fast as we can, which isn't that fast with a pregnant person, worried father and hyper two year old. 

Vic's P.O.V.

"My husband is in labor!" I yell as we enter, causing a few people to rush over. "Sir, please stay here while we set him up," a lady stops me and I growl slightly, pulling out my phone and dialing Mike's number. "Hey bro," he greets me. "Yeah, hey. Hey can you and Tony please come down here and call everyone else and tell them Kellin went into labor. They aren't going to let Josh in," I say. "Be right there," he hangs up and I pace as Josh sits in a chair and watches me. "When am I going to get to meet Jasey?" he asks me. 

"In a little bit, okay?" I crouch down in front of him. "Okay," he pouts. "Okay. Hey Uncle Mike!" he suddenly exclaims. I look to see Mike running in, stopping when he gets to us. "Mr. Fuentes, come with me," a nurse comes up to me. "Thanks Mike!" I yell as I follow the nurse. I get to the room and see Kellin ready to be cut open. "Vic, thank goodness," he sighs, gritting his teeth as another contraction passes. 

"Sorry, I just got here," Dr. Merrick bursts in, washing his hands and slipping on gloves. "It's fine-Dr. Merrick," Kellin gasps. They set up a curtain and Kellin's hand grips mine in a vise-like grip. "Vic, this is our last kid!" he yells at me. "Okay, if that's what you want," I nods. We stay there, Kellin yelling insults at me as they get Jasey out. Finally a cry pierces the air and They come over, laying the baby on his chest. "He's beautiful," Kellin whispers before they whisk him away. Kellin doesn't let up on his grip of my hand until after they stitch him up. They clean up everything and leave the room after injecting some stuff into Kellin to help with pain. 

"I love you," I peck his forehead lightly. "I love you too," he smiles weakly, his eyelids starting to droop. He falls asleep and I bring a chair to be right next to his bed side and sit there. "Mr. Fuentes, would you like to hold your baby?" a nurse asks as she comes in. "Yes please," I smile. She nods before leaving and coming back with the baby. He was wrapped in a blue blanket with a white hospital cap. She hands him to me and I gently cradle him in my arms. "Hey  Jasey Rae, I'm your Daddy" I coo at the little boy in my arms. 

A knock sounds on the door and I call quietly for them to come in. The nurse from before walks in with Josh in tow. "He wanted to check up on you guys," she smiles before leaving the room. "Come here buddy, say hi to Jasey," I grin at Josh. He gingerly makes his way over and gasps as he sees his baby brother. "Daddy, he's so tiny!" he exclaims. "Shh baby. Yeah he is," I smile. "Vic?" I hear from Kellin's bed. He was looking over at us with a smile on his face. "Mommy!" Josh exclaims, running over. "Hey baby. Give me a second and you can lay with me, okay?" Kellin asks and Josh nods eagerly. 

I go over and help Kellin get his bed into a sitting position before handing him the new baby. He cradles him in his arms as I pick up Josh and sit him beside Kellin. "Knock, knock," Dr. Merrick says as he opens the door. "So I need his name and parent names," he grins. "Jasey Rae Fuentes," I inform him, grabbing the paper from him and writing down everything. "Well, I'll check up on you guys in a little bit," he smiles before leaving. I look down to see Josh sleeping against Kellin and Kellin drifting off into sleep, clutching onto Jasey. I smile as I look down at my family. My life can't get anymore perfect. I have a wonderful husband and two amazing sons. I smile and sit down, settling in the chair and dozing off myself.

{Only an epilogue left!!! Remember to have an amazingly wonderful day you beautiful things and don't forget to brighten the dull world with your smile!!!


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