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Just to let you know I made some changes so you know I didn't make a mistake :) Picture of Izuka well the best pic I could find.

Over the years, Itachi and Izuka were inseparable best friends. Itachi excelled while Izuka had to try even harder to catch up. Even at the age of five, Itachi is able to access his chakra and was skilled in taijutsu. Izuka was walking down the streets of Konoha  searching for Itachi who happened to be turning a corner appearing in her view.

"Itachi!" Izuka exclaimed running towards him. She had always adored Itachi always looking up to him. He was always so kind towards her and others making her love his personality even more.

The boy's eyes brightened at the sight of the young girl. Her long hair was pulled into pigtails in the back while the front cascaded down to her shoulders. Her onyx eyes were bright with joy full of life. Her innocence was what Itachi liked the most about her and she always seemed to brighten the mood no matter the circumstance. 

"Yes?" He asked stumbling a little when he caught her. He was slightly taller than her so he looked down meeting her sparking eyes.

"Happy birthday!" She shouted with a smile making Itachi wince from her loudness. He had always been quiet and kept to himself while Izuka was the complete opposite. She was a nosy girl not afraid to voice her thoughts.

"Happy birthday to you to Izuka," Itachi responded quietly giving her a small smile which made hers widen.

"Do you want to train today?" She questioned getting off of him and took a few steps back.

"It's our birthday and you want to train?" He let out a small chuckle at her eagerness. "We haven't even  been enrolled into the the academy yet." Itachi complained as he looked down at his friend. It was the only day he had off from training with his Father and wanted to enjoy it by being with Izuka.

"So? You're the great Itachi Uchiha, prodigy of the Uchiha clan. You need to train extra early and hard so you'll live up to your parents expectations." Izuka replied and grabbed his wrist dragging him towards the forest. He wished she didn't have to point out his status; it was the only thing people see him as.

"I guess your right, but you're strong too; maybe you'll be as strong as me." Itachi said secretly hoping  it will be true. 

"Yeah right Itachi, you'll always be the best!" She exclaimed knowing he shouldn't doubt his abilities. 

"Well you're no ordinary girl." Itachi said as he started to walk again with Izuka in toe. He looked over at her observing how she looked all around her taking in her surroundings. This was why he knew she'll be talented, she's always on alert and doesn't even realize it. 

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" She pouted taking it as an insult so Itachi continued to explain himself.

"Well you like training, you're a bottomless pit when it comes to sweets, and our team work is impeccable." Itachi explained looking down at the ground not use to giving compliments. 

"I guess, when you  put it that way I am different but you're much better than me." Izuka started to fiddled with her fingers looking down at the ground feeling embarrassed for getting mad at him over nothing. 

"Let's go home and celebrate out birthday," Itachi said to distract her from her doubt. He honestly didn't want to train and was glad he could convince her to do something else.

"Okay," Izuka sighed letting Itachi lead her away from the forest and back to the Uchiha compound which was on the other side of the village.

They walked home together talking about what their party will be like. The two Uchiha walked through the village streets watching everyone walking past them with smiles on their faces. The villagers couldn't help but comment on how cute the two were. Izuka and Itachi started to talk about their futures where Izuka explained how she wanted to join the elite and protect the village.

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