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Her mother grabbed Izuka's shoulders to keep the girl still as they got a good look at her eyes.  Her eyes were now a beautiful scarlet color with one toemo formed in each eyes.

"Izuka, you have the sharingan." Kiyo gasped in shock that his daughter had the gift of the first branch. It was rare these days for Uchiha to posses the sharingan, especially with the younger generation not accustomed to war unlike the older members.

"How do I deactivate it?!" Izuka panicked as she started to feel weak from her chakra draining. From practicing earlier and now this, her chakra was running low.

"Focus you chakra away from eyes." Kiyo instructed.

She did what her father said and focused on her eyes which went from blazing red to dark black. Izuka looked around finding herself on the pier but she thought she was in the compound. Her dream suddenly came back to her making her wonder why it felt so real.

"What happened Izuka? I was only gone about ten minutes. Did you use too much chakra?" He questioned with a concerned expression regretting leaving her alone.

"No, I didn't use the jutsu after you left. It felt like someone was watching me and I saw this red glowing orb staring at me then I guess I passed out. I had a terrible dream where I got attacked and then everyone was hurting my friends." She couldn't hold back the tears as she remembered her dream.

"Now Izuka, let's get you to bed and tomorrow I'll teach you how to use your sharingan." Kiyo instructed his daughter.

"Okay." She yawned then climbed into her father's arms quickly falling asleep.

"Do you think she actually passed out or did someone put her in a genjutsu?" Suki questioned. Something about her daughter's story didn't add up. Izuka wouldn't have fallen asleep on the peir on her own. If she were tired, she would've walked back home instead of sleeping somewhere besides her bed.

"She said she saw glowing orbs before she fell asleep. It has to be a sharingan user." Kiyo confirmed as they reached their house and placed Izuka in her bed. "I'm going to talk to Fugaku."

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"How was she able to awaken it Fugaku?" Kiyo questioned his leader once they were inside his office. "From what I saw today, she didn't experience any trauma which triggers it. It's unnatural." 

"It is possible she was in a genjutsu." Fugaku told his friend but was also curious on who targeted the young girl. He knew all Uchiha were in the compound at the time, no one was on police duty and no one leaves the compound after dark unless they are on duty. 

"Why would someone do that to her? She told me she was attacked and watched your son get murdered in front of her. Someone did this with the intent to awaken her sharingan but who and why."

"Leave those questions to me Kiyo. You get some sleep and I will deal with this situation. I also believe, Izuka should be enrolled into the academy this upcoming year."

"Why? She still has another year to go."

"She needs to learn how to control her chakra. With you on the police force from dawn until dusk and Suki is running her shop, Izuka is left alone most of the day. Talk to the Hokage about it to see what he thinks. Itachi will be attending the academy also so she will be with a familiar face at least."

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"Now that she has the sharingan, I believe that she should be entered in the academy. Our teachers will show her how to use her chakra properly and how to conserve her chakra so she doesn't use it all on her sharingan." The third suggested which concerned Izuka's parents.

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