The Massacre

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Both Itachi and Izuka got ready for the mission then departed hours later searching for the ninja. After a few hours they found him hiding in an abandoned house. Since they probably needed him alive they had to catch him off guard.

Izuka transformed into an older woman walking towards the house swinging a basket in her arm innocently. When she approached then house, she called out asking if there was anyone home. Then man was curious and went outside  to see what she wanted but didn't expect the old woman to pull out sebon needles. Before he could react, the needles were already in the pressure points in his neck putting him in a death like state.

Then missing shinobi fell unconscious so Izuka caught him and Itachi tied him up.

"I don't see why the Hokage wanted both of us to capture him." Itachi stated as Izuka dispelled the jutsu.

"Hey at least we got to spend some time together," Izuka said giving him a smile but he didn't return it. The female Uchiha furrowed her brows in confusion at his behavior. The look on his face was distant holding no emotion as he picked up the unconscious body.

The journey back to the village was silent which bothered Izuka. She and Itachi would usually talk more than this, she has gotten Itachi to be talkative before. Izuka attempted to talk to him after they reported to the Hokage but Itachi said he had to watch Sasuke so Izuka went to check up on Naruto. She walked down the streets of the village to the ramen place seeing  Naruto sitting at one of the seats.

"Hey Naruto." She greeted while sitting down next to him.

"Izuka!" Naruto quickly swallowed his food and turned to her to give her a hug.

"How are you?" She chuckled hugging him back eyeing the many empty ramen bowls next to him on the counter.

"I'm fine now that you're here." He replied giving her a wide grin but Izuka could tell her wasn't having a good day. Now matter how hard she tried, everyone in the village saw Naruto as the beast that attacked the village. Izuka understood how he felt because ever since the attack, everyone blamed her clan for controlling the fox.

"Here how about I treat you to ramen." She gave him a sad smile then reached into her wallet pulling out coins and placed them on the counter.

"Okay!" Naruto shouted in excitement, he was starting to run out of money but still had a big appetite.

Izuka and Naruto ate in silence; Naruto was too concerned with his food to focus on anything else. When she looked over, the blonde was finished eating his food gazing in the bowl with a sad expression. 

"Izuka, do you know why the villagers hate me?"He asked catching her off guard. The sadness in his voice made her heart break and wished he didn't have to experience this. Kushina was already aware that this would happen, she's lived through it; at least she knew why.

"It's because your different from everyone; you're very special. They don't understand you so people fear you. When people are afraid they turn it into hate." Izuka reasoned but she wished she could tell him the truth, he deserved to know.

"Then why don't you hate me?!" He exclaimed with tear filled eyes.

"I knew your parents," she admitted knowing she shouldn't have mentioned it. "When they died, I took care of you. I raised you and I love you like a little brother."

"You knew my parents?" He barely whispered looking up at her. "What were they like?"

"Well, your Father was a very strong shinobi and respected throughout the village. Your Mother was a kind woman but was also intense when she was mad. She had a temper actually, you remind me of her. You're the spitting image and have the same personality." She had to lie about looking like Kushina. Izuka didn't know why but is parents had to be kept a secret.

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