Second Exam

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The hour was up and the teams went to the north village gates; they got ready to run when the gates opened. After waiting a few moments, the gates opened causing the genin to dash out of the gates. According to the brothers, no one was even close to them since they started off sprinting while the others went at a slower pace. The team kept going until they were ambushed by a group of chuunin. Izuka took our her swords slashing at the enemy but he dodged her attacks no matter how fast she was. She knew her swords weren't enough so jumped back behind her teammates.

"Water style water dragon jutsu!" Hiro shouted as water spewed from his mouth followed by Kiru who strengthened Hiro's dragon. 

The huge water dragon attacked barreled towards the enemy ninja knocking them unconscious once they hit the trees behind them. Izuka took out some rope and tied him to the tree so they wouldn't be followed.

"Any teams nearby?" Izuka questioned the brothers as she watched the moon starting to rise.

"No, seems like they're all resting for now. I still have energy to keep going, what about you Kiru?" Hiro questioned his brother.

"Of course I do, let's keep going." Kiru replied with a little anger in his voice.

"I can continue, I think training with Toshiku-sensei was more tiring than this." Izuka commented as they pressed on.

The team continued their journey avoiding anyone who was close enough for the brother's to sense them which was a huge advantage to this exam. No needless fighting amongst other teams or the random chuunin meant they can focus all their energy on the trip. 

It took them until day two to reach their destination to deliver their scrolls to the chuunin in a tent by the bridge. The men stamped their hands in order to prove that they delivered the scrolls. The team took a small break to eat and rest before heading back taking about an hour to recuperate. 

"We need to head out now," Izuka said breaking the silence.

Hiro and Kiru only nodded in response and packed up their things before heading back to the Sand village. After five hours they ran into another team who tried to take their scroll even though they already delivered theirs. The opposing group was from the Leaf as well but Izuka doesn't recall seeing them before.

"You're wasting your time," Kiru told the group. "We already delivered our scroll and heading back to the village. Tsk, idiots."

"That may be true but we can at least stop you from reaching the village." One of the boys said with a menacing tone.

Izuka only sighed at his response and stepped forward drawing her swords. She stood before the three getting into a stance.

"Oh? You're having the brat fight us?" He chuckled at the idea.

"I'm in the exams for a reason, don't underestimate me." Izuka snapped in frustration then activated her sharingan which made them gasp.

"An Uchiha? Heh of course you are. Well girly, I'm not afraid of that name." He gave Izuka a smug look while his teammates backed away fearing the Uchiha name. 

Izuka scoffed at the boy who was daring enough to stare into her eyes. She gave him a smirk then placed him into a genjutsu which made his body fall to the ground instantly. Izuka returned the smug look as she looked down at him then back to his teammates.

"He'll be out for a while, you should take him and leave before I change my mind." She flashed them a smile but the remaining two knew that smile was fake. They could feel her threatening presence aiming it towards them making them scurry to get out of there. 

The Path of the Uchihaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें