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Izuka decided to pay Itachi a visit after hearing he returned from a mission. They haven't seen each other in a couple months due to the busy life of a genin. When she knocked on the door, he answered quickly giving her a smile but she eyed the condition he was in.

"Itachi what happened?!" She gasped eyeing the cuts and bruises all over his body.

"Ambushed," he replied as Izuka walked through the door.

"Ambush! Are you alright? You have a lot of cuts and bruises!" She exclaimed grabbing his wrist and pulled him into the living room.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine." He reassured but Izuka was concerned for her friend. 

"No you're not, let me heal them." Despite it being almost two years since she awakened the sharingan, that nightmare still haunts her. She never wants to see Itachi hurt. He has always been such a gentle person too good for this life and he didn't deserve to be injured.

"You know medical ninjutsu?" Itachi questioned eyeing the green glow surrounding her hands. 

"Rin taught me the basics. I can't use it a lot, it tires me out." Izuka explained as she watched his cuts close as if it never happened.

She spent some time with Itachi telling him all about the boring missions she has been on but her training made up for it. Her sensei had whipped the team into shape making sure to be prepared for the real world. They enjoyed the short time they had together but it had to end when they both had to leave for training.

She decided to go to the weapons shop to buy some swords wanting to learn how to properly wield them in battle. She walked into the store in the Uchiha compound and looked at all of the swords. One pair of twin swords caught her eye. The sheathe was purple with blue flowers all around it. She pulled the swords out of the sheathe and the swords had a red handle with a black sharpened blade.

Izuka walked up to the store keeper and asked him how much it was. He told her the amount and it was very expensive. She paid for them with all of the money she earned from every mission she's been on so far. 

Izuka met up with her team at the designated training ground. Toshiku wanted to prepare them for the chuunin exams she knew was approaching. Teamwork was an important aspect so she ran the team through drills giving them advice on how to protect each other and balance out each others weaknesses. Izuka excelled in taijutsu despite her age while the brothers were talented with ninjutsu. Izuka would be the close distance fighter while the other two would handle things from afar supporting her if the enemy attacked with a jutsu.

For individual training, the boys worked on elemental ninjutsu. They both had an affinity for water so they practiced in the river trying to work on a water dragon jutsu. Toshiku focused on Izuka wanting her to work on her medical ninjutsu. The Uchiha was lucky that her sensei briefly studied under the sannin Tsunade in her youth and was able to teach her more in depth. 

The first six months of being a team, they did nothing but work on stamina, endurance, and strength. Toshiku believed that was the core of being an exceptional shinobi and knew Izuka needed that training the most. She focused more on the Uchiha able to see her potential wanting to push her to her limits.

Once everyone was exhausted, they were told to go home and rest. Izuka dragged her feet down the streets of the compound just wanting to sleep. She was so tired she nearly bumped into Obito which woke her up.

"Hey Obitio," Izuka said weakly resisting to yawn.

"Izuka do you want to master the Sharingan?" He questioned in a tone that made Izuka raise a brow. Obito was always happy and warm but there was something different about him. She couldn't help feel like something was wrong; her instincts were screaming at her to run but this was Obito. Why would he hurt her?

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