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(Third Person)

Izuka went upstairs into her big room with blue walls with the Uchiha crest on all four walls. The room had a big queen size bed with Uchiha bed sheets with a sky light above it, a large desk with neatly organized piles of paper and books; her dresser was next to the bed which consisted of normal clothes. Her closet was a walk in closet that had her shoes, ninja clothes, and gear in it. There was a door leading to the bathroom next to the closet and there was another door leading to the balcony. For a lower class family in the clan they had the best house other than the main family's house.

She scattered all ten scrolls onto her desk, sat down, the started to read them. The first scroll was about the villages history talking about how the Senju and Uchiha had a war but eventually made a treaty and created the village. The second  told her everything about ninjutsu,  how to perform it and all the tricks to it. It told her all of the hands that they know of. The next two were about genjutsu. The scrolls said what genjutsu 's were, how to perform it, what some can do to people, and how to get out of them. The next two were about taijutsu and battle strategies. The last two were about the history of the Uchiha clan and all about the Sharingan.

Izuka read the last scroll and decided to reread them all so she can memorize everything. She looked at the clock and saw that it was time to go over Yumi's house. She got ready and started to walk to Yumi's house.

"Hey Izuka! " Yumi shouted.

"Hey, um sorry Yumi but my father told me that I have to memorize these scrolls before tomorrow so we can't really do much." Izuka told her best friend.

"Oh, it's okay at least we'll be in each others company. So why do you need to read these?" She asked.

"Because my father wants me to learn everything quickly so I  don't fall behind. He wants me to focus more on my chakra than learning about the village history and all that boring stuff."

Izuka reread all the scrolls over and over again while Yumi quietly colored next to her. Then she got to the Sharingan scroll again she noticed something, there was a part of the scroll missing.

"That's weird." Izuka said after hours of silence between the two.

"What's weird?" Yumi asked looking up from her picture over to the scroll her friend was holding. 

"Well look at this part of the scroll. You see here it looks like it's suppose to end but it's torn."

"I can see it. But why would someone take that part out?"

"I have no idea. I'll ask my parents after training tomorrow. What time is it anyway?"

"About eleven at night."

"What?! I've been reading these for that long?! I'm sorry Yumi that I wasted your time. I have to go to sleep so I can train tomorrow."

"You and your training Izuka. Have you been training since you could walk or something?"

"Something like that," Izuka chuckled nervously then looked down sadly. "Now that I'm in the academy, we won't see each other that much. We usually hang out in the morning until lunch but I'll be in school at that time now."

"Here promise me this." Yumi said taking two best friend necklaces out of her pocket.

"Let's promise on our new best friend necklaces. I'll take best and you take friends forever."

Yumi gave Izuka the other half of the necklace then took out a kunai from Izuka's weapons pouch.

"Now this is something my clan taught me; it's a ritual. We have a lot but we'll do the best friend ritual. We cut our palms then place our half of the necklace on the cut and let the blood sink into it. The necklace  turns red then we hold it and make a vow. Once we both make a vow we give each other the necklace and put our blood on it. The packed or promise will stay with our necklaces forever. If the promise is ever broken then the necklace will turn black." Yumi explained.

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