Third Exam

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(Izuka's POV)

The matches so far were really good showing me different battle strategies and how their opponents used their many years of experience in battle. Mostly everyone got defeated by their opponent except for Hiro and Kiru and one person from each of the other two. Now it was my turn to battle.

"The last match will be Izuka Uchiha against Master Toshi." The proctor announced so I jumped down to the arena getting my twin swords ready.

I observed my opponent realizing I never really looked at the man when I was tailing him. He was a bald man with two scars shaped like an X going from the top of his head on the right side down to both eye brows. His eyebrows were white and extremely long framing his face while also having a long beard going down to his chest. He showed no emotion when he looked into my eyes; neither did I. 

"You may begin." He said as I activated my sharingan.

Toshi made the first move by running towards me attempting to punch my stomach. I caught his punch and flipped over him then kicked him in the back, but it was a clone. He came up from behind me stabbing my clone in the leg making it disappear.

"I see, so you already have the sharingan," he concluded readying his sword.

"Yes I do," I replied as I came up from behind him and kicked his back.

His sword flew out of his hands sliding away from him. From watching him train, I knew if he used his sword I'd be done for. He's had decades of training while I barely had six months experience. He quickly got up and did some hand signs while I stood a few yards away observing him.

"Water style water shark bomb jutsu." He shouted then made a burst of water come from his mouth filling up the arena.

The shark came towards me teeth baring ready for a bite so I wove my own signs. "Earth style mud wall jutsu!" I shouted as a wall appeared blocking the shark. Toshiku had discovered I had another affinity for Earth which I dabbled with. Unfortunately, this was the only Earth elemental jutsu I could perform at this point.

Toshi got out some kunai throwing them at me so I deflected with my swords but one stabbed me in the thigh while another cut my arm. I reached down pulling the kunai from my thigh tossing it to the side. Ignoring the pain in my leg, I made more hand signs. 

"Fire style fire ball jutsu!" I shouted curling my fingers around my lips feeling my chakra burning inside me.

A huge ball of fire formed hurling towards Toshi; it was so big that he couldn't completely dodge it. I prided myself in the Uchiha fire jutsu; Father and Itachi helped me master it recently making all that hard work pay off. Toshi lunged to the left as the ball of fire burnt his right foot; he grabbed his sword off of the ground getting to his feet as I readied mine. It was now a sword fight between me and him; he was more skilled slicing me a few times while I barely got one. Toshi flipped behind me so I turned to face him only to be greeted by his sword. I backed away but his sword still managed to cut my side. I screamed in pain clutching my side attempting to heal myself but Toshi came at me again. I stumbled to the left toppling over falling on my wound. My swords fell next to me so I grabbed them and put it back in the sheathe. 

Toshi walked over reaching down grabbing my shirt and pulled me up off of the ground. He threw me again making me roll across the ground. I heard a few in the crowd gasp most likely my friends and family. I partially healed my wound then ran towards Toshi with anger welling up inside me. I wasn't going to let him win. I poured chakra into my hands and feet as I began to attack Toshi. 

I smirked when I saw the panic in his eyes as he dodged. I started moving faster as the adrenaline started numb my body. He slid under my legs so I landed on my feet quickly turning around making hand signs in the process. I haven't mastered it yet but it'll do some damage. 

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