Enchanted ~ Bucky Barnes

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-This song was very catchy when I saw it on a vine video. I thought of this song of Bucky. My little marshmallow.

Imagine that you were invited to Stark's party and you danced with Bucky to this song.

Being the Nick Fury's best agent including to Romanoff and Barton on his list, it was hard to have time off. You walked around the tower and just about you were about to go to your room, Tony called you in the living room.

"Y/L/N, what do you say? Slow dancing, drinks, some of Barton's twerking skills, tomorrow night?" Tony told you. You laughed.

"I don't know. Fury has some stuff for me." You made an excuse. Everyone was looking at you. Including your big time crush, Bucky Barnes.

"No need! Told him that you need some time off." Natasha said as she wrapped her arms around your shoulders.

"I have no dress."

"Got you covered." Tony smirked. You gave up. The more excuses you make they have solutions to it.

"Fine! I'll go." You look straight ahead and saw Bucky smile. You blushed and walked away. It was the day of the party. You had a red dress that Tony picked out for you, and you now believe that he has some fashion sense. Nat did your hair to a side ponytail which looked elegant and she put some red lipstick and winged eyeliner to complete the look.

"You look nervous." Nat laughed. She knew that you liked Bucky. She KNEW. "Is it about Bucky?"

"Yeah. I mean what if he has a date and I just walked to him and we dance all night then she shows up."

"For all I know, he doesn't have a date." She put her heels on. "Y/n, you are like a sister to me, Bucky will be a asshole if he doesn't notice you."

"Thanks for the confidence."

'There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you'

You walked down the stairs, hoping not to fall. Steve, Thor, Clint, Tony and Bucky looked at you, dropping their jaws.

"Boys, it's not nice to stare." You told them.

"Okay, get with someone and get ready to walk in." Tony said. Everyone went into partners. That lead you and Bucky together.

"You look amazing." Bucky whispered. Your face turn red.

"You look quite amazing as well James." And you all walked to the party.

Your eyes whispered "have we met?" Across the room your silhouette starts to make it's way to me The playful conversation starts Counter all your quick remarks, like passing notes in secrecy And it was enchanting to meet you All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you.

You were at the bar, drinking some shots with Nat.

"Lover Boy is looking." She pointed and you turned and saw Bucky looking. Your eyes meet and then he looked away.

"He is probably scared of me because I kill for a living." You told Nat.

"He killed more people more than you. Yeah, totally he's so scared of you." You gently pushed her.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you

You started to blush when he looked at you. You spent wondering if he knew you liked him. If he was enchanted to meet you.

The lingering question kept me up Two a.m., who do you love? I wonder till I'm wide awake Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door I'd open up and you would say, hey It was enchanting to meet you All I know is I was, enchanted to meet you

It was two a.m already. You haven't danced or talk to anyone besides Nat. Now, you were pacing back and forth because the question was that Bucky looked at you kept you wondering.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonder struck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you

The night was sparking from the stars outside. You walked outside to look at them. You were still blushing and forever wondering if he knew you liked him. This night was flawless, you got to walk with him to the party and he looked at you and smiled. You were leaning against the balcony, your fingers dancing to the music.

This is me praying that this was the very first page Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon I was enchanted to meet you

"There you are!" You turned around and saw Bucky. "I thought you were dancing with Tony or something."

"I wish is dancing with you." You whispered.

"Want to dance? I was nervous to tell you. I'm not great of asking a pretty girl to dance with me." You smiled and he held out his hand. You took it.

"I thought you were scared of me." You chuckled and so did he. "Stupid things go in my head."

Please don't be in love with someone else Please don't have somebody waiting on you Please don't be in love with someone else Please don't have somebody waiting on you

"Every girl wanted to dance with me but I wanted to dance with someone I had eyes on for a while."

"Oh, well, you should've dance with her." You kept telling to yourself, please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have someone waiting on you.

"I am." He leaned in and he gently kissed your red, soft lips.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home I'll spend forever wondering if you knew

The stars were bright and sparkling. The kiss was still going on. You both didn't want to let go. You were wonder struck and your cheeks were still red. You spent all night wondering if he loves you and if he knew, and you finally knew.

This night is flawless, don't you let it go I'm wonder struck, dancing around all alone I'll spend forever wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you

The moon and stars hitting the tower. You both pulled from the kiss and took a deep breath. You both slowly dancing to Enchanted by Taylor Swift outside, while all the Avengers looking at you both in shock.

please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have someone waiting on you.

"Please don't be in love with someone else, please don't have someone waiting on you." Bucky whispered into your ear.

"Trust me, I have been waiting for someone like you. "

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