I Cant Risk You ~ Jessica Jones

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"Damn it Jessica! You are always out! You being a PI and looking for Kilgrave! It's killing you!"

"Come on y/n! Kilgrave needs to pay for what he did to me! Being a PI wasn't my choice! It was yours!" She came close to you. You smelled the alcohol from her.

"Drinking again. What I am going to do with you Jess." You sat down on the couch. Your head on your hands.

"Then leave. Kilgrave doesn't knows I'm with you."

"So what! You're my everything! I can't just leave you." You cried.

"Please, I can't risk you." That's all she said. You stood up. "If you love me, then hide. Go to Trish and when this all over we can be happy again."

"I won't. If he kills you, then whats the point?"

"Damn it y/n! Why do you have to make this so hard!" She yelled and picked up the desk and slammed it.

"I'm sorry!" You got mad. You punched the wall and making it have a dent. "I'm sorry that I can't be the perfect girlfriend for you! Tell me who you want me to be? Hope?!" Jessica looked at you she realized that you got angry.

"Y/n, I didn't mean it. I want you to be you." You hold your arms and kissed you. You relax and sighed as she pulled from the kiss.

"If you are going to kill Kilgrave, then we do it together. No matter what will happen." You rested you head with hers.

"No matter. I love you."

"I love you more, Jessica Jones."

I got tagged again so...

1:Are you more a morning person or night owl!
I'm more a night owl.

2: what do you like to eat for breakfast?
Blueberry smoothie

3: are you more a indoor or outdoor person?
Indoor, I don't like talking to people

4:what do you like on your free time?
Listen to music and think

5: Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan?
I'm soft but both. I need my Dorito and my Cinnamon roll in my life. 

6: what my first thing on my bucket list?
Go on a road trip

7: what is the best/favorite Bucky story you read on Wattapad?
I don't have any. If you'll like leave some in the comments

8: are you follower or a leader?
I'm more a leader.

9: what animal do you think you are and why?
A llama because I am the llama queen.

10: do you put yourself before others or others before you?
I put others before me.

11: who's your best friend on Wattapad?
Don't have one😢

12: would you rather live in California or New York?
California because I had enough with this Chicago snow!

13: do you like math or science?
I'm failing both classes so... Neither.

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