Coco or Cuddle ~ Clint Barton

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Clint's P.O.V
Made this during the winter

It was a nice winter day here in New York. I knew that y/n loves the snow, she practically grew up with the snow. Every time it snows, she's outside making a snowman or a igloo or something like that. I really didn't like winter. It's too cold, all the snow gets me in my nerves. Maybe it's because I didn't grow up with snow.

"Y/n! Babe!" I yelled from downstairs. I got my snow pants, boots, gloves, hat, scarf, and a snowball maker. I saw her coming downstairs.

"What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Then she looked at me. "Clinton, what are you wearing?"

"Meet you outside." I closed the door behind me. I started to make my fort as she came out. I made a snowball and threw it at her. She turned around, giving me the 'you are so on' look.

"You want to pull that card, uh, Clint?" She picked up some snow from the ground and started to make a ball. "Game on!" She threw it at at my face. It's was a hard game. We made a snowman name Timmy.

"Hey Rudolf!" I touched her nose. It was adorable, it was red from the cold and tiny. "Let's go inside." We took off our snow stuff and I went to the couch and she sat next to me.

"I'm cold." She said as she cuddled with me.

"Coco or cuddles?" I asked her.

"Both?" I smiled and went to the kitchen and make some hot coco. I added whipped cream and some sprinkles to top it off. I carefully walked in the living room giving her the mug. "Thank you." I sat down and she put her head on my chest and sipping her coco.

"Rudolf or the Grinch?" I felt in a Christmas spirit.

"Rudolf." I played the movie. After 40 minutes into the movie, I saw her fall asleep and a whipped cream mustache.

"We should do this more often." I pull up a blanket for her, giving her a kiss and I continue with the movie.

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