First date

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Tony- You walked into the mansion. Your dress that Tony had picked out for you to wear, stole the show. The soothing music kept you calm.

"There's my gal!" You saw Tony walking towards you.

"Hi Tony." He kissed your hand and pulled you to the bar.

"You look beautiful." He couldn't get his eyes off you. When you walked into the party, he was amazed at how ravishing you are.

"Thank you. You look quite ravishing yourself." All of the sudden, he sat down your drink and pulled you to the dance floor.

"What's the story behind that necklace?" You looked at your necklace. Snowflake.

"You'll hear it one day." All night long, you both danced. When people that he knew and they talked, Tony kept his hand around your waist. As Tony told to himself, she different than the others, I love her.

Steve- The ride to where Steve was going to take was nice. Sweet compliments like
You look lovely Ms.Stark
Doll, that smile of yours can bright up the city.

"Here we are." He said as he helped you out the car. "It's 40's night." You both walked in hearing the 40's music on.

"Wow!" You said in amazement.

"Care to dance Doll?" He grabbed your hand into the floor and started to dance to the beat.

"Can you swing dance?" You said.

"Oh y/n, there's a lot of thing you will discover tonight." He started to swing you around. All night you and Steve couldn't stop dancing to the music. Steve knew that you are the one that can change his life.

Bruce- Bruce had told you not to go all out on the outfit. As you walked out of your room, you saw Bruce holding flowers.

"Awe Bruce! You shouldn't have!" You walked to as he gave you the flowers.

"I should have. Come on or we'll miss the reservation!" You both ran to elevator and ran to the park. "Hope you like to ride on the boats."

"Banner for two." The fake Italian teenage man said and took you your table. "Dinner is coming." Pizza came out and you laughed.

"What is something wrong?"

"No, me and Nat always have thing with pizza. One day she went out to get some and she slipped on ice and the pizza got all over her." And Bruce joined. Later on, you both looked at the sunset.

"I hope you like this."

"Like it? I love it!" You smiled. "Thanks Bruce." You gave him a long hug. He knew that you have a special place in his heart.

Clint- He waited on your door step, his hand was shaking with the flowers. He didn't know why he was nervous. He only get nervous when he likes someone. Oh my god!

"Hey Clint!" You looked at the leather jacket man trying shake it out.

"These are for you." He pulled out the flowers to you.

"These are my favorite!" You squealed.

"I know." He looked at his watch. "Let's go before we miss it!"

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