Mystery Girl

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Shawn Meandes s' POV

I waited and waited then i heard a lady s' voice **passengers boarding flight number 2537 . Please board the plane . Have a safe trip . Thank you .**
I saw my tickect and it was the plane i had to board . I rushed to the flight and everyone were already seated and when i was finding my seat i saw a beautiful girl in the window seat if the last row . I then saw mt ticket and moved further and further gazing every 2 seconds at that beautiful girl . Then at last found my seat which was right next to the beautiful girl . I finally settled down in my seat .

Lexi s' POV

When my flight was called out after waiting for 5 mins . I took my shoulder bag and ran / rushed through the people and found my seat in the last row corner window seat and sat down . I was the first to board the plane . Later many people started boarding the plane. I soon stared to stare out of the window ,when i felt that someone was staring at me . I looked the other way to see who was staring at me but there was on guy who was around my age who was searching for his seat . I again went back to staring out of the window .

Shawn Mendes s' POV

When i sat next to the beautiful girl .She was staring out of the window . Then the plane started to takeoff .
Soon the plan was in the air , i plugged in my ear phones and started listening to songs and soon i drifted off to sleep......

Lexi s' POV

I was really into gazing out of the window after the plane took off,
suddenly i heard soft snores near me . I turned to see the guy who was searching for the seat few mins ago . He was cute , even if i couldn't see his eyes cause he was wearing black coolers. The flight was for 5 hours so i set my alarm in my watch to be awake before the flight lands in Paris . Then
I then layed my head back on my seat and soon drifted of to sleep.

Four hours later

I heard my alarm and slowly opened my eyes and say that i was 1 hour away from landing in paris .

I started listening to songs and past my time
Later i heard a voice say please put on your seatbelts .

I turned to my left to see if the guy was awake but no , so i shook him a little then he started to wake up.....

Shawn Mendes s' POV

I was being shook by someone so i opened my eyes and say tht the girl next to me was telling me to wake up , as we are going to land in paris in a few mins .

Soon the plane landed . Me and the girl were the last people to get out of the plane .

I got out of the plane and took a seat in the airport cause i was tired of walking in the airport *i didnt get a chance to ask the beautiful girl s' name * ........

Author s' note :-

Hope everyone likes the 2 chapter.
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