Midnight Memories and a girls night

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Lexi s' POV

lights were dim and me and shawn were inches away standing betweein our door ways looking at each other.

i didn't say a word either did shawn .we are just staring at each other but we got cutt off by the laughing sounds and the lift dinging sound.

I stopped staring at shawn and turned towards the lift to see cam sam ,val nash walking with boxes and a suit case each .

val and sam were blushing and talking and laughing may be to what cam or nash would have said.

They approached us and i walked fast/ran to wards sam and val and just the right moment sam and val put the box down beside them and we had a group hug and the boys were laughing at our cray group hug. then still in the group hug i said sam val we got have  a gossip girls night , tonight .

we let go from the group hug. And i went and said bye to shawn and went inside my hotel room. and the girls said tht they will be in the room in 10 mins after helping cam and nash.

By tht time i went and took a shower and got changed into my comfi pjs and went and sat on the bed and waited for 5 mins and then the girls walked in with ear to ear smile on their face and i knew tht the reason will be related to cam and nash. Val cam and sat next to me on the bed and sam locked the door . I got up from the sitting position and stood folding my arms in front of my chest and started at them .

Sam s' POV

Me and cam and nash and val were now in the guest room of cam s' friends' house and we were helping nash and cam pack .

I was helping cam with folding his clothes and putting it in the suitcase and nash and val had gone to the car as nash was done with pacing and they said tht they will wait in the car for  us .

I was almost done with folding clothes when suddenly cam asked "would u like to be my girl best friend , cause i have never had one ." i was shocked and i was blushing like to the core and just said yes i would like to be ur girl best friend and cam went normal to hyper mood tht i am his girl best friend and then we finished packing and headed to the car .

Val s' POV

we were all set and i was in the passangers seat next to nash and the radio was on and after a few different artist songs  One Direction songs started to play an di was slowly singing with teh song and then nash said tht i had a good voice and i look cute when i sing . i was cherry red and i was smiling and then me and nash started talking and soon cam and sam came and when i say them walking together they looked cute together and adorable too , i didnt say it aloud .

They came and settled in the back seat and we then drove to the hotel where shawn and lexi stay ..............

Lexi s' POV

I  was still staring at them and then they both began to tell what all happened betwein cam and sam and nash and val 

soon after 10  mins they finished  and then i said then what all happened to me when they  were not there with me .

its was almost 1:00 am cause we started our girls gossip at around 10:00pm now the girls are asleep in my bed and i am staring at the ceiling thinking about present . soon i drifted off to sleep ..........


i woke up rapdly and sat up staright in the bed and i had a bad nightmare about my parents hitting me and taking me somewhere aways from val , sam and the boys .......i was almost crying and the things which happened to me in my past started rushing in my head and i was totally crying now so i made my way to the swimming pool and when i reached there i put my legs in the water and layed back on the grass and the tears were now rushing from my eyes and i didnot wipe them off . i started at the night sky and started to think the good times in my life with val and sam and about today and smiled .

Shawn Mendes s' POV

The boys an me talked for long time and now cam and nash are snoring , i woke a few mins ago cause i didn't get sleep , so i got up and walked to the balcony the night sky was filled with stars and the balcony was facing the swimming pool.

I then looked down at the swimming pool and saw a figure leaving its legs in the water and layed back on the grass and its hand on its stomach , i then i started at tht person then figured out tht it was lexi i could identify it was her cause i saw her in her pjs when she was sitting in her bed and day dreaming when val and sam opened lexi s' room to get in .

I thought it would be a good idea if i company her . i walked down to the swimming pool and as i walked closer and closer to her i heard a sound of crying and i then figured out tht it was lexi who was crying. i cleared my throat  she turned toward me and she got up and wiped her eyes and i saw tht her eyes were red and puffed so i walked closer to her and opened my arms and asked her "wanna  Hug" . she then hugged me without saying a word and she softly cryed on my chest and i didn't know what was happing to me but i felt tht i should comfort her now and let her stay in my arms and i felt happy tht i am comforting her .

after a while she parted from the hug and looked down at the ground . i then asked do you wanna talk about it and she said tht she will tell me when the right time comes and i understood tht something big is bothering her and i wanted to know what was tht thing.

Then  to distract her tht we can lay down on the grass and  ,we can find the constellations in the night sky. she nooded and then she layed to my left and i strted finding constellations and soon she joined in and we started making funny stories about the star and the moon and Lexi was back to her crazy and and funny mood she is always .

After 2 hours 

Lexi was sound asleep on my chest , while we were finding constellations she had moved her head on my chest . then i slowly put her head down on the grass and got up and stood and started at lexi who was asleep on the grass and  i picked her up bridal style and started walking inside the hotel to head to the room .

Lexi s' POV

soon shawn came down and companyed me , i hugged him and cryed on his chest and then we lay down on the grass and we both started finding constellation and it was fun being with shawn ,i later put my head on shawn s' chest and soon drifted of to sleep.

i then felt my body being lifted and i could feel the warm hands and it was shawn who was carrying me bridal style .......

Shawn Mendes s' POV

I lifted lexi and walked to her room and i was now in front of her room with her in my arms and i managed to knock on the door and soon sam oped the door and looked at me wide eyed and i mouthed her tht i will tell her what happened her in the moring and then sam let me in the room and i went and layind lexi s' sleepy body and put the covers till her neck and kissed her forehead  and wispherd goodnight to her an headed back to my room .

i went inside and saw tht the boys were still in deep sleep and snoring so i went canged into my pjs and then slipped inside the cover next to nash and i remembered what all happened  a few hours ago and smiled and drifted off to sleep


Author s' note :

hope everyone one likes this chapter.

 This and extra long chapter and i hope u enjoyed it and please vote .


Thank You

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