Pranking time

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Hope u enjoy this chapter :-) this part will be mostly about cam and sam .this chater may be little short if u are reading this please read Shreya Rajagopalan s' Frienemies

Sam s' POV

I rember little , I saw tht shawn had lifted lexi bridal style last night and came to our room and put her on her bed .....
Something is there , I need to ask her * smirking * .  I woke up few hours ago and I got freshed up and I wore a blue t shirt and  black high waisted shorts .

I am now in the hotel hall way going back to lexi s' room .After having a frappe in a near by cafe.

I was playing on my phone and I was cut of from playing when I heard a room door open and I looked up from my phone and saw tht Cam was walking toward me and he was wearing nike black shoes , black jean and black t shirt.
I was staring at him * am I checking him out , for sure I am  , he is cute * I came out from my thoughts and now cam was waving his hand in front of my face and I was like nothing and we greeted each other with a hug and I felt butterflies when he hugged me  . I pulled away from the hug and smiled at him and he had a thinking and I asked him ''what is. The camel thinking about " , he then had a shocking face cause I called him a camel when he was noway related to it . We started arguing with each other and it ended up like cam chasing me , but cam caught me and started his revenge by tickling me and now I am out of breath , Cam stop it plzz and yelled through my laughter .

Then cam sstopped it and stood in front of ne smirking and I asked him what is on his mind , suddenly he asked can we play a prank on nash , shawn , lexi and val plzz plzz it has been days since I played any prank .
I smiled widely at him and gave him a ' are u serious look'
And said yes :-) .

Cam s' POV

I cam out of my room and saw sam walking to her room.
She looked really cute in the outfit she was wearing and she is osm in everything .we then greeted each other with a hug and then I tickeld her for something and now we are planing to play a prank on her and my best friends .

Its going to be osm I said with a evil smirk to sam she just chuckled and it was cute when she also got anevil smirk on her face . We both first ran to my room and I went straight to the bathroon and took the tube of tooth paste and the shaving cream bottle and ran back to where sam was standing near the bed with a peacock feather . Knew what we were up to . As shawn was on the left side of the bed and nash on the right ,shawn s' hand was hanging out of the bed and we slowly made nash sleep the same way and now finally shawn s one hand and nashs' one hand were hanging from the bed on their sides .

I took the shaving cream and put it on sahwn and nash s' hand and sam took the tooth paste from me and drew a heart on their t shites and wrote cam and sam inside it and ran to val and lex s'room and did the samething and finally I took a video of sam brushing the feather on each of their noses and how the hit their hand on their face and the saving cream was all over their face and me and sam burst out laughing and. I posted tht video on twitter and tagged sam and the other four .

Sam s'POV.

Then cam pulled my wrist while laughing and took me out of tht place  now we  were still laughing like maniacs and walking in the street .
Cam was still holding my hand  I blushed when I saw tht and then we planned of having proper. Breakfast and then walking little more .

This is the best moring I have ever had :-) .


Hope u like this chapter :-) I am sorry for not updating for so long .
Thank u

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