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You know the feeling when you really want to  fucking punch this dudes ass.
Yah! That's what I'm feeling right now.
I want to beat the crap out of him.
You know why?

5 minutes ago..

I'm currently at my second period.

Finally I'm done with Social Science.

So I'm here at my desk,copying notes at the screen while listening to Mr.Robertson.
(And yah! I know, not a bad girl thing)
I'll just call him him Robert because I like it short.

I'm at my math class.if you're asking
Or wondering.

Jake-"well well well,look what we have here little miss bad girl here is copying notes,I'm shocked." That son of a bitch whispered in my left ear.

Knowing it who it was already.
I just fucking hate the feeling when he talks to me.
I just don't like him.

I turn back behind me and saw his stupid smirk plastered in his face.

I blow my gum (that I've been chewing when this period starts) in front of him.
When I realized the gum is almost big I popped it right away.
Yahh!! Sassy Girl over here!woot woot

Then I turn back forward and wrote a note in a ripped paper that I saw laying in my desk.
With a cursive writing

"Expect the unexpected Stronzo!"

Then I passed it back.

Also stronzo means asshole in italian.

You're probably wondering why I also speak in Italian.
My father is half Italian.that explains why.

Also Me and my family used to visit my uncle and my cousins there.
It surprised me that my close cousins and my other uncles are also part of a gang.
My family is very dangerous.
As you can see.

Jake-"what's stronzo." Great listening to that stupid voice if his makes me want to vomit.

I didn't turn my back or look at him because I was to tired to look back and faced him just to say the meaning of stronzo

"Asshole." I said still looking at the screen reading the important details to copy in my kate spade notebook.

He chuckled.

HAHA very funny!

I turn back around me and boom!
Jackie Chan here powder bomb my face which caught the whole class,even Robert stopped his lesson and enjoyed the scene.

MY beautiful Face.
MY sexy god damn face.

It was all ruined by this phatetic monster behind me.


the whole class didn't laugh except for his stupid gang and him.

Because they know what will happen next.

I get my towel that's inside my bag and wiped it in my face.

After a few wipes in my face with my towel.
I opened my eyes and saw Jackie Chan and his stupid jackie chan fans laughing their butts off.

COLIN  [SLOWLY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now