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I tied my shoes and stretch. Here I am in the park again.I decided to jog today because why not.
It's a beautiful day today and I need to jog so that I could stay fit.

I checked the time in my phone. 9:30
Alright. Time to jog.

I tied my hair into a tight ponytail and run.


I checked the time 10:30.Well that's a good jog.

I sat on the bench and looked around my surroundings.

*panda,panda,panda.Credit cards and scammers*


"Gang meeting."

"Alright I'll be there in 5."

I stretched and suddenly stood up while admiring the view of my surroundings,I could tell that this park is being taken care of by the govenrment and the commitee.

Quickly breathe the clean air while closing my eyes. And I know for sure that this is the moment after a while I slowly opened my eyes and see the beautiful scenery once again.

It was so strange that he called me at 10;30 a.m may I include right after my jog.Stating that we have a gang meeting.this is the first time that he would call me at 10:30 AM.Something's wrong.

I thought and thought and thought and finally mutter at myself.

"This is urgent."

I ran as fast as I can towards my car and then drove off to home.


My body relaxed when the skin touches the hot water,I want this free spare time is just me relaxing.I know I have a gang meeting at 5 and even assignments to accomplish,like screw that I'll do it later.but the meeting though I need to also because I'm curious at what is happening.

"Shit I need to do this article."

Look I know what you're thinking about that I changed.before I don't do my homework but now I do it.why? becuase I want to do it dumb fuck. And I changed because I changed.

I mean look at this explanation that I just said,such a masterpiece I bet everyone learned something new or got it.

Time to relax,Piage time to relax.

I set my timer up and drifted back to my dead hours which is sleep.


I opened my MacBook and pictures came out of the bright screen.

I furrowed my brows once again,the picture that caught me off guard is me and the girl on my phone screen cuddling at each other.

"This can't be."

I tried recalling the beautiful girl but my head throbbed in pain which made me scream and tumble back.

The throbbing inside my head didn't stop,it caused more pain.

Which made me scream more loudly  and cause my friends to burst inside my room then tried to help me.

I punched the wall so hard because of the painful pain throbbing in my head.My left hand bled,blood rushing out of my open skin,ignoring the sharp pain in my hand.

My friends tried to calm me down but I ignored them. Next thing I knew is that I lost my hearing and tiny black spots appeared in my vision then a blur appeared I closed my eyes and tumble back.

~~Next day~~

The beeping sound annoyed me so I slowly open my eyes and the first thing I see is the ceiling of the hospital that I often visit.

I turn my head and sighed loudly.

"I need to get out of here." I muttered at myself.

Slowly leaning forward and quickly removed all the cords that is attached on my body.

Then hopped out of the bed and wore my clothing.

I heard my phone buzzing,I snatched it and answered.


Cole-"bro chill."


Cole-"are you feeling alright?"

"Yah,ready to kick some ass." I said angrily.

Cole-"bro,why are you so angry."

"I don't know maybe I'm pmsing."

Cole-"literally you  are."

"Fine." Calming myself. "I'm calm."

Cole-"are you sure?"

"Yup." "I'm ready to kick the Syndicate."

Cole-"about time you said that!"
I chuckled.

I don't know why I'm so mad and ready to kill someone and I also don't remember what happened yesterday but I can still feel the pain that occurred in my head.


The cold water cascaded through my body.I let flow down continuously not bothering that I'm wasting water.

I sighed.

"What am I going to do now?"
   "He's gone,The boy that I love."
Stop exaggerating you pussy,He's still there.


COLIN  [SLOWLY EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora