Gerita #1

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Italy was sitting by a window in Germany's house. It was raining outside so it put a meloncholy feeling in the room. Germany was upstairs in the shower not aware of Italy being in his house. Honestly, Italy didn't know why he came here. He just guessed that he wanted to spend time with him. Italy smiled sadly, watching the rain hit the glass window and make a tapping sound. He didn't notice footsteps coming down the hall and the door opening "Italy? What are you doing here?!" Germany asked in suprised. Italy jumped up, running towards him. "I wanted to see you, Germany!" Italy said stopping in front of him. "Well you should've called." Germany said remembering Italys sensitive nature. Italy smiled up at him and jumped up hugging him. "Uh... Italy are you alright." Germany said hugging him back hesitantly. Italy just hugged him tighter. After awhile Germany realized Italy wasn't going to let go and tried to pry him off. Italy held on though suprising the German. He tried some more but realized Italy would never let go. Germany had to go through the entire day with Italy latched on the him.

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