Russia x China #1

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Russia and China walked on the sidewalk side by side. They had just gotten done with a world meeting and Russia suggested the walk. As they were walking they came across a balloon stand. "Hey Russia can I get a balloon?" China asked sounding like a five year old. Russia smiled and started paying for one as China picked one out. They continued there walk talking about the world meeting. Their arms were hanging loosely by their sides and the balloon was tied to China's wrist. They continued walking for a bit as the air was filled with a peaceful kind of silence. Their hands touched slightly on accident and they both blushed as their hands retreated behind the backs. Russia laughed nervously and leaned towards China kissing him on the cheek. China blushed and looked away embarrassed. He then reached towards Russia and took his hand as they continued walking.

Hetalia yaoi fluffOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora