Franda #2

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NOTE: Me and Cassy are in this one, I sort of decided to add us so me and Cassy (FacelessTwins ) could kind of shape them to fit what we wanted the characters to act like so... yeah.

Mathews POV

The air got knocked out of me as I got pushed against the wall. Great right when I thought the school day would end well. "Hello, Mathew. How are you?" Allen said. I didn't bother answering his question. He laughed at that raising his fist. Before he could hit me though I heard yelling from down the hall. "Allen what do you think your doing?!" The person yelled. I opened my eyes to see Allen put his fist by his side and him roll his eyes. "Just talking to my good friend Mathew!" He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I looked at the person who stopped me from being beat up. It was Francis, he was friends with Allen. "Sure... but Ms. Carrie wanted to see you." Francis said. "Crap this is about the salt incident." Allen mumbled before walking off leaving me behind with Francis. He smiled at me and helped me pick up my bag. "Was he treating you alright." He said kindly. "Better than he normally does." I mumbled grabbing my bag from him. I was about to turn around when Francis grabbed my arm. "Hey, if he treats you badly you better tell me. I'll knock some sense into him." He said. I smiled at him. "I'll be sure to do that." I said before walking off. When I got to the front of the school I saw Cassy and sage near one of the benches. Sage was sitting down but Cassy stood up. "Hey guys." I said walking up to them. "Hey Mathew! Took you long enough. What were you doing?" Sage said standing up. "Oh you know Allen tried to beat me up." I said casually. "Oh good I thought something re- wait what?!" Sage said. "Are you alright!" Cassy said checking my face for injuries. "Yeah Francis stopped him." I said calmly. Both girls stopped panicking before staring at me and slowly getting a mischievous look in there eyes. "Someone has a crush on you." They sung in unison. "I'm not sure whether I should be angry or creeped out." I said before walking of towards the fence leading off the school grounds. "So was he nice to you?" Sage asked poking me. "Yeah I guess." I answered.

"Did he ask you out?"


"Did he give you his number?"


"Did he try and hug you?"


"What did he look like?"

"Like a person."

"I will not allow you to date a pervert!"

"He's not a pervert."

"What makes you think that?"

"He didn't give me his number, he didn't ask me out and he didn't hug me."

"Ha you're defending him! You have a crush on him."

"No I'm simply pointing the obvious."

"And the obvious is that I should punch him in the gut."

"Don't punch people."

Sage stopped asking me questions as we arrived at my house. "Bye guys." I said before running into my house. "Bye Mathew!" They both yelled before starting to run down the street.

The next couple of weeks went normal. Allen bothering me. Francis would save me at the last minute. Allen's behavior never really got on my nerves until now. I realized that it was actually sort of nice not to go home with bruises and such. It was so tiring to come up with an excuse so my brother doesn't freak out. Today was going pretty well. Being a Friday I felt pretty good about today and as I was walking down the hall I saw Allen talking to Francis. Allen definitely seemed angry and Francis was definitely annoyed. I pretended not to notice them as I started to walk past them. "Mathew!" I heard Allen said. I sighed and turned around to come in contact with a fist. "Allen what the hell!" Francis said before Allen got tackled to the floor. My eyes widened as I watched Francis throw punches. I heard running down the hall towards this hall but was still frozen in spot. "Mathew what's going on!" I heard Cassy yell running up to me. Sage quickly followed her as they continued asking. Ignored them as I came to a conclusion. I let tears fall out of my eyes as I ran away. "Mathew come back!" I heard the girls call out. I continued running ignoring everything. I got to the roof of the building standing near the edge looking down. I heard the door open as someone ran on the roof yelling. "Mathew don't move!" The person yelled. I slowly turned around to see Francis he had a few cuts and scrapes from Allen but he didn't seem to mind. I turned back around to see Cassy and sage at the bottom. They both looked up at me with fear in there eyes. "Mathew come here." Francis said slowly walking towards me. "Why?" I said. "Because people are gonna miss you is you leave. A lot of people." He said. He was now standing right behind me. "Like Cassy and sage and even Allen a little." I laughed at that taking a step towards the edge. "I'll miss you too." Francis said putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned to him he had tears in his eyes. My eyes widened as I looked back down. Cassy and sage where standing obviously to scared to utter a word. They both ran inside the building probably to go to the roof. I turned to Francis and stepped away from the edge. He let out a sigh of relief before pulling me into a hug. The door to the roof opened as Cassy and sage ran over. Hugging me as well. I guess there is something to live for.

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