Franada #1

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(I'm sorry franada fans)

Mathews POV

He grabbed my hand and started running. Running as fast as he could to the nearest building. Seeing as it was a zombie apocalypse it was probably a good idea. But seeing as the only exit was the entrance perhaps this building wasn't the best choice. We of course figured that out quickly and before it even clicked in my mind that we probably weren't gonna make it out of here alive I saw Francis's eyes fill up with tears. Luckily the building was already zombie proof so we had a little more time together. So I did the only thing I could think of and hugged him, tears streaming down my face. We hugged for a couple more second before Francis pulled away wiping away my tears. "Let's dance one last time." He whispered. I nodded, giving him a small smile. He put his arms around my waist and I put my arms around his shoulders pulling him closer. We danced a little bit before he started singing softly in my ear.

"Merrily we fall out of line. Out line."

Tears start to stream down my face.

"I'd fall anywhere with you I'm by your side."

I heard the zombies get louder.

"Swinging in the rain, humming melodies."

I close my eyes tightly.

"We're not going anywhere until we freeze."

He paused before continuing.

"I'm not afraid, anymore. I'm not afraid."

I could feel his tears stain my shirt.

"Forever is a long time."

I gripped his shirt with my fists hanging on to the last thing that I had in my life."

"But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side."

I choking on my tears remembering Alfred, Arthur, even Feliciano. And I let out a smiling knowing I was going to be seeing them soon.

"Carefully we'll place for our destiny. You came and you took this heart, and set it free. Every word you write or sing is so warm to me. So warm to me. I'm torn. I'm torn to be right where you are."

I could hear Francis's voice crack a little. And him hug me tighter.

"I not afraid, anymore. I'm not afraid."

"Forever is a long time. But I wouldn't minds spending it by your side."

I hear wood snapping. The wood on the windows must be breaking.

"Tell me everyday I get to wake to that smile."

I close my eyes tighter waiting for the zombies to limp there way towards us.

"I wouldn't mind it at all. I wouldn't mind it at all."

He stopped looking down at me. His face stained with tears. I could see his heart slowly breaking inside his eye. The zombies surrounded us. The last thing I heard before I
fell into death was gun shots. Must be Ludwig. Don't worry I'll tell Feliciano you said hi.

Song used: I wouldn't mind- he is we
Note: I know the song doesn't really fit the situation but I couldn't think of anything else to use

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