America x Canada #1

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(Accidentally made Canada just a little sassy in this)

As the last bell of school let out and kids headed to there lockers to leave school. Mathew put his schoolwork and books in his bag as Alfred walked up to him. "Ddduuuuuudddddeeee!" He said grabbing Mathews bag as well as his own. "Alfred I can carry my own bag." Mathew said rushing to catch up to him. "I know. But I need to you to focus on what I'm saying instead of absentmindedly answering." Alfred said smiling at him. They finally reached the outside of the school and Alfred turned to Mathew. "Come over to my house." He said. "Are you trying to kidnap me?" Mathew said sarcastically. "No I want to play video games with you." Alfred said laughing. Mathew rolled his eyes before answering. "I've got homework to do, unlike you apparently." Mathew said grabbing for his bag. Alfred moved away from him keep his bag out of reach. "We can work on homework too." He said. "If I say yes will you give me back my bag." Mathew said crossing his arms. "No, because if you agree we can head over to my house together like buddies." Alfred said. "Fine." Mathew grumbled causing Alfred to smile widely as he swung his arm around Mathews shoulder. "I got a new game you'd like! We should play together." He said. "Homework." Mathew replied not looking at Alfred.
    They continued waking towards Alfred's house with Alfred talking excitedly about his new game and Mathew simply listening. When they arrived at the house and walked inside Alfred greeted Arthur and guided Mathew to his room. "Can I have my bag now?" Mathew said reaching for it. Alfred threw it on his bed much to his dismay. Alfred ran to his tv and turned it on, quickly turning on his game. When he went to get Mathew to play the game he was already sitting on the floor working on is homework. "Oh come on Mathew you're never gonna do anything if you do your homework all the time." He said sitting next to him. "Well I have to do it sometime." Mathew said. "Will you play the game after?" Alfred said with hope in his voice. "Obviously." Mathew said looking at him.


I'm not sure how well this turned out but it's been awhile since I wrote anything and I knew I had to finish this before I could even think of writing something else, expect more soon.

Also thank you for 100 votes

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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