EngIta #1

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I didn't really think about this ship until my good friends Cassy and Jack told me about it (FacelessTwins )and I thought it was pretty cute. I was gonna do a different one shot but I thought of one that would be even cuter and decided to do this instead. I may make the other one later down the line.

A Saturday like any other. England sat with his feet propped up on the couch in his study, reading a book. He didn't seem to interested as he was casually reading. Still he didn't want to be interrupted. After a couple more minutes of reading he was almost deaf to the outside world. Almost. He didn't hear much, but he did hear the door to his study creak open. That was enough for him to begrudgingly look up to see Italy walking over to him. Well, shuffling, because he seemed to be suffocating in an enormous blanket. Despite being irritated England softly smiled at him.

"Italy it there a problem?" He asked saving his place in his book and setting it on the ground beside him. Italy simply shook his head and shuffled closer to England and eventually crawled onto his lap. Soon engulfing England and himself in the blanket. England, being confused, also felt warm; the kind of warm that makes you sleepy, like you're drinking hot chocolate while watching the snow fall outside, or sitting near a fire place after spending a day making a snowman. That kind of warm. He subconsciously wrapped his arms around Italys waist as he shuffled to a laying position on his couch. The pillow behind his head seeming fluffier than ever and the sounds in the room soon were drowned out by the soft song of the birds outside. He slowly closed his eyes falling into a light slumber, but enough for him to dream of a place in summer. His hand moving into Italy's hair while he slept as he imagined a cat in his lap. In the place in summer, he smiled and saw the sun shine bright ahead and the clouds ceased to exist in the sky. He sat under a tree with a good book and thought about all the places he could go. He didn't worry about the problems or solutions for those problems, he just sat. The only sounds were the sounds of nature and the occasional turning of pages. Soon the cat turned into Italy whose head was on England's lap. Clouds started to appear, but only fluffy, white ones, so Italy could point them out and say "That one looks like a cat!" And such. Everything was peaceful at the place in summer.

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