The Very First Divorce

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The Diva:

My belly was too giant to run, but it was so important. They needed me there. I was angry with him, and with her and with everybody. Carson and Darcy needed to go out of that house for a while. And that's my work, y'all. I take care of my friend's kids. I'm like a free babysitter.

I went in without knocking at the door and I just took the one-year-old Darcy bugg in my arms. Then I heard someone yelling. Of course it was Princess. I wasn't sure about how to handle this situation. Carson was watching TV, so I looked at him.

"Buddy" I said "Come on. Go to the car. We are going to see Rikki".
"Are they coming?" He asked.
"No sweetie. Mommy and Daddy need some time for they own" I smiled when he hold my hand.

I heard some steps and then I saw Inés. She smiled at me. I was angry with her, so I didn't smile back. Nobody hurts my little man and keep living after that. But the thing is that I understand her, so I suppose that we will get along in the future.

Princess came too and smiled at me. Oh, my dear boy, I want to punch you so hard.

"I hope that you will solve this shit so soon. Do you really think you would like to be Mrs. Obese instead of Mrs. McKinney?  And Princess, you won't survive Irak. I'm so sorry, but it's the true" I said. She wanted the divorce and he wanted to fight in the war, so why not?
"Tulip..." He started.
"No. I don't want to hear it" I kinda smiled and then I opened the door again "Call me whenever you want to be adults again. I'm doing your crappy work of being a mature and responsable woman while I could keep being who I am. This is THE FREAKING HELL".

Then I went out and I didn't let them say anything else.

Diva: done ✔

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