Chapter 6

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Athena's POV:
The next morning Parkinson is still ignoring me. Honestly I don't care but hey whatever. I am walking to the Great Hall with Bexxie and Vikktoria. Them being the wired people they are start talking about unicorns and llamas. I watch them as they start acting out a llama matting ritual and about bust my gut laughing.

Two sets of hands grab me from behind and pick me up. I turn back and see Fred and George. "Hello my ginger partners in crime." I say as they start laughing at my friends. They set me back down and two girls one in red Gryffindor robes and the other in blue Ravenclaw robes race by. The one with chocolate colored hair stops and laughs with Bexxie who is teasing Vikktoria.

"My name is Luna Fairway. I am a Ravenclaw first year." She says shaking our hands. "I am a muggleborn." She says to me. I look at her and smile. "That's fine with me. My mother was a muggleborn but my father was a Pureblood. Since they were both magical I am also a Pureblood." I explain to her.

She grins back and the girl in Gryffindor robes is standing patiently for me to turn to her. "My name is Cassidy Black. I am cousin to Bexxie and Primrose. My father is Sirius Black." She says as I hold out my hand. "Nice to meet both of you girls. Would you like to walk to lunch with us?" I say. They both nod and Bexxie and Vikktoria who were waiting on either side of me start walking as the two new girls fall into step with us.

"Luna!" A girl calls out. She has dark hair that matches Luna's. Her brown eyes are narrowed when she takes in my robes. "My name is Melissa Smith. Muggleborn." She introduces herself. I nod and smile. "Hey Melissa!" George says excitedly. Fred just rolls his eyes. Lisse smiles at George and her face turns a little red.

"Well Lisse are you going to walk with the twins to breakfast?" Luna asks in a pointed way. Melissa nods before blushing more. I smirk knowingly and Lisse shoves me softly. "Well girls who are first years come with me!" I exclaim before running to the Great Hall. They are all laughing with me. The Gryffindor table is closest to the door so we all walk Cassidy to her table.

She immediately heads over to my brother. "Guys this is Athena." She says as we walk up. "Cass they know. And Harry is my brother." I explain laughing. Harry and Hermione laugh with me and Ron cracks a smile. I smile at Ron and he nods his head once. "Cass I will see you latter okay?" I say trying to get away from the awkward silence that fell between us. She nods and the girls and I walk away to drop of Luna.

"See you girls latter!" She exclaims giving each of us a hug. We all laugh and hug her back. We then walk over to Draco, Prim, and the others. "Hello peoples of earth and hell!" Bexxie screams when we sit down. We all look at her like she is crazy. Well she is so that statement was invalid. Draco and Prim shake their heads and Vikktoria is almost rolling on the floor laughing.

After we eat, Snape hands us our schedules. We compare and find we have all our classes together. And most with Gryffindor. Draco groans and I laugh at him. "Is the esteemed Draco Malfoy jealous of Harry Potter?" I ask giggling. He shakes his head looking repulsed but he wears his jealousy on his sleeve.

We all head to transfiguration first and take over the back row. After the bell rings my brother and Ronald still haven't shown up. They run in 10 minutes late making the Slytherins in the room snicker including me. They both glance around for McGonagall and only see a cat. "Phew we made it. Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron exclaims. "Hey idiots you were late. By ten minutes actually." I say smirking as the Slytherins roar with laughter.

Harry shakes his head knowing that I have the attitude of our father completely. Ron glares at me and is rewarded with Blase and Josh standing up since apparently Draco made them my body guards and Harry hits Ron in the back of the head with a textbook. "Tu petit medra!" I mutter in French. Draco and Prim hold in laughs since all Purebloods are taught multiple languages.

"What did you say?" A Gryffindor boy asks me. Honestly he is really cute. "I called him a little shit in French." I explain quietly. He snorts with laughter and even that is kind of cute. "My name is Brandon. Brandon Lupin." He says holding out his had for me to shake. I do and give him my name. "I know. Harry was talking about you last night. He was basically threatening all of us guys that he would have your older adoptive brothers beat the stuffing out of us if we try to hit on you." He replies.

I groan and shake my head completely ignoring the beat down my brother and his friend are getting at the moment. Draco chooses this moment to point out Brandon to my bodyguards. They move to either side of me and glare at Brandon. "Guys he is fine. We are just getting to know each other and ignore all work." I tell them. They laugh and nod their heads before sitting back at their seats.

Each class that day goes by in about the same manor. By the time it is dinner I am exhausted and I wasn't even paying attention to any of the teachers. I know all of this from my previous school so I am bored. The professors know that and they leave me alone. Once in a while they will call on one of my friends but we are Purebloods so we know this most of the time anyways.

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