Chapter 3 : Kill The New Teammates

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After about a week of me learning to harness my powers and new abilities, I got the chance to meet my teammates. I've got to admit, I've always been good with a sword and other weapons, but now I guess I've gotten a lot better. I've never been one to brag or anything like that, but honestly I was pretty strong now. I wondered... If I was so strong imagine my teammates! Wow the sight of seeing other people as strong or even stronger than me would've really made my day. We traveled out of the Kusaa village and in 2 hours by train we got into Night Raids new secret base. It was located in the middle of the largest mountain in Orekyo village. The whole village seemed to be scary. They all appeared so serious and grim, as if their mothers and fathers perished the day before. "Ready... This is where it's located-- but first I need you to take an oath to Night Raid". "Yeah yeah, of course  I Blakk Silvers solemnly swear to be on the side of Night Raid, in good times and bad and till death do us part--- Can I meet my new teammates now!?" "Ok ok, but just so you know you got recruited at the same time, so they don't know each other as much as you don't know them". I could deal with this. I'm always used to getting to know new people.

This town though. For some reason it was like everything here was in black and white. Even the colorful plants seemed to be gray colored. Honestly I didn't understand how a town so sad could have so many people and houses. I mean, we were literally walking through a straight ally for about 20 minutes now and still no signs of happiness. I felt like saying "Dont worry Blakk and Night Raid are here to fix". But I knew they wouldn't understand.

" Are we there yet?" I groaned impatiently. As powerful as I now was I was still only human, and humans have their weaknesses, mine was patience.

We finally got out of the ally way and into the woods, where we wandered for an additional 30 mins until we came to an abrupt stop.

"I could've just flown here or used my super speed..." I said

"In this town everyone is familiar with imperial arms, we can't risk them seeing you with one and assuming that your from Night Raid, that'll doom the entire operation." He said

"Your probably right" I said silently.

"It's just over here" the man said pointing to a bolder. "Here lift it" he said. And so I did. I lifted the Boulder which now felt like nothing. Pretty cool huh. "Now make a shovel"he said. "Huh? Why a shovel?" "We gotta dig down genius", and so we did, I made a shovel using my advanced light control I sag and dag for about 5 minutes until we hit something.

"Is this it?" I asked. "Yes keep going" he said as we ventured into the house in the whole.

You know how something small turns out to be something gigantic, well this was that case. Everything was huge. Gigantic even. It was a whole established base below the village right bellow bedrock. If this wasn't the most secure, hidden, and large base ever. Then I don't know what.
Everything was colorful as opposed to the village above it, I looked bewildered but the man just led me to a living room double the size of the biggest living room I've ever seen. In the middle a man with Black and red hair and black and red clothes welcomed me.

"Hey my names Akaizo I guess we'll be teammates-- wait Blakk, what are you doing here, I knew we were gonna change our village, but that's always been my idea."He said. Besides looking so weird and creepy, he seemed to be friendly not that much of a normal person but I could stand him.

He was my brother. We came from the same village in the slums in Doreyo. We grew up rough and had to do a lot of things to survive just the day to day life, including learning about swords and weapons, and joining Night Raid."Hey, it doesn't matter it's still good to see you.", "Good to see you too,"I said. Wow. My brothers with me now.

"See you guys later gotta go repatch the hiding place"and that was the last I saw of him.

We stood silent for a bit. We were both clearly getting impatient on waiting silently, for our other teammates,so to break the silence I finally spoke.

"Hey are we the only ones here or what, like what's the deal here?" I said.

"I know right, early I guess, but still this kinda blows are they coming anytime so--"

"Hey guys", said another guy. He had black hair and light skin with blue eyes that had a sort of optical scope colored green that contrasted his black combat jacket. He was carrying a gigantic gun in his back.

"My names Joshua, and this is my friend Iruda", he said pointing to his rifle.

"Its a gun type imperial arms that has different bullets that can do many things like poison and paralyze my enemies, it can also shape shift into other guns", he said. He de-harnessed his rifle and aimed it, and it quickly changed into a sniper rifle.

"Woah" me and Akaizo both said. "Cool!

"I know right he said, it also reacts to my feelings like the Pumkin Imperial Arms".

I knew it! They were gonna be really strong... Oooh so cool! I can't wait to train with these guys.

"While we're on the subject and waiting for the rest of our teammates, what's your guys Imperial Arms."he asked.

I answered quickly. Eager for him to know my power and become best training buddies. "I use the armor,and sword Excursio and Muramasa, armor that increases my strength,speed,defense,and resistance.It also gives me control of light or lasers I guess," showcasing a laser knife I just created," It can burn anything on contact, and my sword and armor are made of it. Also it can do many things that I'll save as a surprise for later!"I said, waiting for reactions.

"Oh, cool,", They simply said.Not sharing any of my enthusiasm

"Well", said Akaizo.I use the kurokakazan it's basically a katana type imperial arm, it's blade is made out of dark matter. One touch can reduce anything made out of regular matter to dust which basically means it can destroy anything in the universe and it can absorb the soul of those it has killed and make them into undead slaves.And that's the basics."

"Cool!" Said me and Joshua. Wow we all had such strong imperial arms and only half the team showed up. This was great. We could change things for sure like this. Still though Iruda, Excursio, and kurokazan... Powerful weapons...

"Hey guys" stepped a girl through the door. She had been wearing a green leather jacket that matched out her green eyes and fur covered skin.

"Are you a cat?" Asked Joshua."Yeah I am, is there a problem,"suddenly holding a dark ball in her hand," Noooo---No ma'am,"Joshua said trembling,"Good" she said smiling and dissipitating the dark ball. I control elements and have cat like reflexes including speed and stealth, just so you know." She said. Blowing her bangs and sliding into her chair.

Everything was awkward for a bit until a man came into the room," So this is our team huh?" My names Wave and I shall be your captain."

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