Chapter 8: Kill your limits

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Hey guys Blakk here and this is chapter 8 of The War Of Imperial Arms. Once again Alex(am_mercer)  decided to take the lead and write this whole chapter because the character for Akaizo was based off him... Now I'm not gonna spoil anything... But be ready for some ridiculously op stuff. And some things that will bring you nostalgia from the original anime and manga. In the future some cool things are gonna be happening here. Stay tuned for that. Anyways... I'm out, be sure to like, comment, and favorite! Bye!


Darkness fills the cell around me as I struggle to remain conscious and up on my feet. Little to no light made it's down into this part of the imperial castle, no life could be heard either, it's almost as if I'm separated from everything and everyone.

What happened? I was fighting Ginto and then...I passed out due to my injuries.

"You look tired Blakk."

A red-eyed figure covered in shadow.

Based on the curvaceous body and voice I could tell it was a female...but who? Her tone sounded so distant...

"A certain someone told me all about this universe of yours, a world where teigus have evolved into something unnaturally powerful."

The red-eyed woman remarks confidently as her mere presence gave of an ominous feeling, in fact that power that emanated from her just now was practically boundless.

"W-Who are you?"

I ask.

"I'm the one who survived."

She responds.

As unexpectedly as she appeared, the figure vanishes in the blink of an eye leaving me with more questions than answers.


My eyes shoot open as I find myself lying on the ground with Akaizo trying to wake me up. He looked fully healed and back to top shape, looks like Ginme managed to save him and Dark from Ginto's grasp.

My brother picks me, putting my arm over his shoulders and dragging me out of the cell.

What was that vision just now? Who was tha-

"Watch your head little brother."

Akaizo interrupts me just as we crossed a small doorway, piles of dust covered the other side, probably my brother's doing.

"Come on we're almost there, Ginme and the others are waiting for u-

We come to a sudden stop.

In front of us now stood a powerful and tall figure that possessed a black armor similar to mine but with lines of red energy flowing in between his more armored plates.

Emperor Yato.

The man who initially led the assault on the capital, assassinated Najenda and stole the throne of emperor. He's definitely the one responsible for everything that's been happening during the last decade.

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