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'You see him?'

'Not yet.' Cherry shifted her head so that the wind blew her fringe out of her face and continued searching, but all she could see in the dim light provided by the moon were tree tops. "Rao where the hell are you." She spoke quietly, she wasn't expecting anyone to hear her, but the wind rushed past and greedily snatched the words up anyway.

'Down there! On the hill! Cherry-'

'Yeah I see him.' She set her sights on her target, a small clearing, a gap in the endless green leaves, and with her weapon by her side, aimed for a large tree, not too far from their Faunus friend, that was poking out of the top of the forest.

A side glance back towards the cliff revealed that the others were still there, and to reassure them, she called out to her brother as loud as she could, "Buck! I've found him!" She ignored the look of confusion on his face for a moment as she saw Rain nod and turn, leading the others back into the school building, Navi curled up in her arms.

'What was that all about? I know where he is, and for the record I found him first.'

'That was for Navi, not everyone can read minds you know.'

'Right, right.'

The tree grew increasingly larger until Cherry could pick out individual leaves from within the canopy, and she revved the chainsaw by her side to life, the clatter startling a few roosting birds and sending them off with a swirl of feathers.

The weapon shook with a low rumble as she waited for the perfect moment, Cherry continued to fall parallel to her target tree until she spotted a space between the branches.

Using both arms she hauled the chainsaw over her head and swung it down in front of her, the metal teeth bit into the trunk. Her descent stopped so suddenly that if Cherry hadn't been holding on with everything she had, then she would have been thrown to the ground.

She swung her legs to the left onto a branch and stood rubbing the feeling back into her arms, a minute passed and she felt better, so she grabbed the handle of her weapon and pulled as hard as she could without falling from the tree.

The trunk finally gave and released the blade with a jerk that almost made her lose balance. The weapon had stalled during its sudden collision with the tree and so was in its docile state, a good pull on the cord by the handle fixed that, and soon the teeth were a whirring grey blur.

Cherry lined up the weapon with the trunk in a downwards spiral and was about to step off the branch when some colourful language rang through her head, courtesy of her brother, she sighed and decided to listen to what he was actually saying.

'Ow Ow goddamn- Cherry help!' She looked behind her to see Buck dangling from another tree, his gun wedged in a fork in the branch, the only thing keeping him from falling.

'And how on Remnant did you manage that spectacular feat.'

'I could really do with more help and less sarcasm right now, I'm gonna die!'

'Oh relax, you'll be fine, maybe I can find an Ursa to break your fall.'

'Cherry please!'

'Okay fiiine.' She cut the chainsaw off and the blade neatly folded itself away into the handle. The space previously occupied by the weapon appearing empty, where the blade had emerged from was nothing but a single hole resembling the barrel of a gun.

"Let's see," She said as she rifled through the various pockets of her jacket, "Ah, you'll do." Cherry examined the bullet held between her fingers, and once she was happy with it, slid an ammunition pack containing several of those bullets into place in the weapon.

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