6. I Explode the Water System

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Hi! So this is the second time I've had to post this, because Wattpad decided to delete it the first time i posted it (which i didn't realise until several hours later), sorry for any inconvenience. 

Here's chapter six! I hope you enjoy! 

Chapter Six

We knocked on the door again.

Margaret opened it. Her eyes were narrowed and a cigarette was balanced between her lips. "Yes?" She asked, getting her lighter out and putting it to the cigarette butt. She puffed out a stream of smoke.

"Our tires have been slashed." Thalia said angrily. "And I'm pretty sure it wasn't your cat."

Margaret's annoyance faded from her expression, along with her colour. "Slashed?" She stepped out of the door and examined the tires from a distance with a sour expression. "I have some spare tires in the barn." She flicked her cigarette to the ground and stepped on it. "Come with me."

"Uh, we've also ran out of gas." Nico added.

"There's some in the shed around the back." The woman said, already walking. "The keys are on the kitchen side."

Thalia and Annabeth started following Margaret. "We'll get the tires." Annabeth called. "You get the gas." They walked off.

"Terrific." Nico muttered.

I stepped into the house. Now that it was just me and Nico inside, there was an eerie silence, like the house itself was holding its breath.

Nico snatched the keys up from the kitchen counter and tossed them to me. "Ladies first."

My hand closed around the handle of the back door that no doubt led to the back garden. It opened with a solemn creak and I stepped out—


The sound of shattering glass broke through the silence like a knife through hot butter. Several thuds followed like someone was slamming their fist against a door. An inhumane-like scream echoed from the top floors, reminding me of a wounded animal.

Nico and I exchanged horrified glances.

"What in Hades was that?" Nico demanded. I saw his hand go to his back, where his Stygian iron sword was wrapped in a cloth and strapped to his shoulder blades.

"You know, I don't really want to find out."

Another scream echoed through the house. More thudding.

"We've got no choice." Nico said. His eyes were wide. "What if someone is up there, hurt?"

I swore and slammed the door shut, dropping the keys back onto the kitchen counter. "I'm going to regret this." I muttered to myself.

We started climbing up the stairs, and I realised how huge and beautiful this house really was...and then realised that I was probably climbing to my death.

The stairs were creaking at every step. My hand slid along the banister as we ascended to the very top, where the thudding sounds were coming from.

I took my hand away from the banister and my stomach churned as I saw my hand was smeared with blood. "Oh gods, what the Hades?"

Nico took my hand and examined it. "It's almost completely fresh. It's only slightly congealed."

"Gross." I wiped it on my jeans.

We reached the top floor. The thudding was now extremely close...almost like it was above our heads.

I glanced up. "Nico, look."

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