9. An A to Z Guide on Raising the Dead

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Hi! Sorry for the late update! 

Fortunately, I've got no school until January so I'll be updating much more frequently (hopefully) so I'll make it up to you XD 


Chapter 9

The sky was just beginning to lighten.

The streetlight-the ones that weren't broken- sent sprawling light across the sidewalk and made the shadows seem even deeper than before, where shapes shuffled and stumbled.

Will and Piper led me a few blocks away with their weapons drawn and their eyes bright and alert, scanning the street with wariness. Will's golden arrows, in his quiver on his back, reflected like molten metal in the artificial light.

Piper glanced back at me, her lips stretching upwards into a weary smile. The shadows under her eyes seemed to blend in with the darkness all around us. "Argus' van isn't far away." She promised, looking me over. "You look like you need a rest."

My whole body felt sore, and my shoulder throbbed with each thud of my heartbeat, complaining at the consecutive bursts of adrenaline had that raced through my body and drained all my energy in the process. "What about Annabeth, Thalia and Nico? They're still out there, looking for shelter."

Will's head had shot up at Nico's name. "We'll get the Stoll Brothers to get them. They've been desperate for something to do other than patrols and looting." He looked at Piper for approval.

She nodded. "It's a good plan." She looked over me with a concerned expression, fixing her kaleidoscope eyes on my shoulder. Her eyebrows creased together. "That wound looks painful. What happened?"

I was saved from delving into an explanation by the grumble of an engine in the street ahead. A familiar van-with advertisements of the strawberry farm in bold letters on the side-came into view, parked on the sidewalk. From here, I could just see the familiar brown curly hair of the two brothers, messing around in the front seats, with Argus rolling his many eyes at them.

We crossed the street and the Stoll brothers stepped out of the van, both grinning identical grins. "Percy, man!" They greeted me with fist bump each, their eyes sparking with mischief.

"Travis, Connor." Piper said and they immediately listened-which as simple as it sounds, is a much harder thing to do when you're an ADHD teenage boy. "We need you to find Annabeth, Nico and Thalia. They should be near 2nd Avenue."

They saluted. "Sure thing, boss." They jogged off with a wink to me.

"Are you sure it's safe for them?" I asked. "This place is crawling with the undead."

Will watched as the boys disappeared from sight. "They've gone out here on their own before. They sure know how to handle a bad situation and kill some zombies."

"They'll probably even get time to loot a store." Piper added as she opened the back of the van, stepping into the darkness. She walked out again with small bag of ambrosia, tossing me a square. "Eat." She ordered.

I popped it in my mouth and suddenly the familiar taste of my mom's blue cookies filled me with warmth, at the same time bringing tears to my eyes.

They didn't seem to notice. Piper excused herself to talk to Argus in the front compartment.

Will Solace examined my shoulder wound, his eyebrows furrowed with concentration. He looked up and met my eyes. "How did this happen?" His voice was quiet.

I decided that telling him straight would be better than avoiding the truth. "I got bitten. A few days ago, when the Big House collapsed."

"That's not good." Will muttered, his blue eyes wide. "I'll see what I can do. Keep still."

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