13. A Deal with the Devil...Literally

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Hello! Once again, a late update! If I have one talent, it would be never updating on time.

I hope that you are all well and that you are enjoying my story so far. I'm sorry that it's a little slow at the moment, but I'm hoping to build up the speed of it in the next few chapters so keep reading! 


Chapter Thirteen

It was a bit of an understatement to say that I didn't like the Underworld.

As soon as I stepped into the darkness of the passageway, I felt my heart sped up and my palms go moist. I fumbled blindly for something to hold on to, finally finding the crumbling walls of dirt on either side of me.

"Careful." Annabeth said from in front of me. "There are some steps here. They're a little uneven."

"Thanks for the heads-up." I mumbled.

I could hear the harsh and panicky breathing coming from Grover behind me. "I hate this." I heard him say.

"Don't we all." Thalia muttered. "Well, apart from Nico of course."

"Hey just because I'm the son of Hades it doesn't mean I enjoy being in dark and tight spaces."

Will laughed, and I imagined him putting an arm around Nico. "We both know that's not true."

"Ugh." I could imagine Thalia covering her eyes with a shudder. "That's gross. You two make me want to puke. You're almost as bad as these." I felt her jab between my shoulder blades.

"Ow." I complained.

"Don't you dare throw-up." Nico warned.

"Stop being so couple-y and gross, then." Thalia retorted.

"Stop being so incredibly irritating."

"Wow those are some big words, Nico."

"Please shut up."

"Why don't you?"

Annabeth halted suddenly and I slammed into her back. "Guys!" She scolded. "Can you both shut up for maybe five seconds? We're nearly there."

We carried on walking, the darkness turning even deeper as we progressed further. The uneven stone steps turned smooth and slightly damp, the dirt walls turning into black glass-like obsidian.

"We're nearly there." Nico stated. "I can feel it."

Sure enough, Annabeth slowed down and suddenly there was a little light illuminating her pale hand as it ghosted over the door. She pushed it and with a long creak like a scream of anguish, it opened, sending dim light into the passageway.

We stepped out into the light, the sound of the sluggish river Styx moving along with assortments of objects floating along; a torn wedding dress, a diploma and a child's toy. All were forgotten dreams and aspirations.

Nico frowned and glanced around. I followed his gaze and saw that the EZ death line was almost completely empty, only a few spirits stood there, chattering in their voices and looking around, completely confused.

Thalia went to stand next to me, peering into the distance. "It's empty."

Nico's eyebrows drew together. "That's not right. It's always busy here, no matter what. Something is definitely messed up here."

"No need to explore then." Grover said, chewing on the hem of his shirt.

"Even more reason to look around." Annabeth gave him a glance. "Sorry Grover."

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