11. The Adventure Begins

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Hello! I hope everyone is having a great year so far :) 

Sorry it's a little late, but from now on I'm going to update on a Friday, Saturday or a Sunday just to let you know because I'm very busy every other day with school and after school clubs. 


Chapter Eleven (unedited)

I met Chiron at Camp Half-Blood hill, right next to Thalia's tree, where the Golden Fleece glittered in its branches.

The dragon, Peleus, snorted out a puff of smoke and coiled around the trunk of the tree tighter, his scales glittering copper and his yellow eye watching my every movement.

Chiron galloped up to me, his hooves thudding on the frost-covered ground. "Percy, child. You missed your canoeing lesson this morning."

I scratched the back of my neck. "Yeah, about that. After breakfast, I didn't feel good. Probably the waffles."

Chiron didn't look convinced but for whatever reason he didn't seem to want to press on the matter. Instead he threaded his hands together, his brows drawing together at he looked at me. "Percy, is there anything you want to tell me?" he asked. "The day you, Annabeth, Thalia and Nico escaped...what did you see?"

My thoughts immediately went to the girl in my dream, offering me the chalice filled with blood. I then remembered the dream I had before that-when we were staying in the hotel in that creepy-ass ghost town. I knew that demigod dreams were merely dreams; they were often premonitions or something that had already happened.

I sighed and began to tell Chiron what I had seen; the girl, kneeling on the floor, chanting words in Ancient Greek, and then the grotesque half-skeleton of a man ripping its way through the floorboards, then sinking its teeth into my shoulder.

Chiron listened patiently, nodding along at all the right moments, not interrupting once.

When I finally finished, he nodded and sighed, his warm and tired eyes glancing over at my shoulder wound. "Have you been treated by the Apollo cabin?"

I explained what had happened when Will had pressed his hand against the torn flesh, and the only temporary relief it gave me. The old centaur's expression became troubled, the lines etched into his face becoming more and more prominent.

He rested his hand on my good shoulder reassuringly. "I'll have a look through the rest of my books and see what I can find. It may be that wounds created by the undead have different effects than a normal wound."

"Fantastic." I muttered.

"Percy, there's a cabin councillor meeting in the Amphitheatre tonight. I need you and the others to attend."

I felt a spark of excitement in my chest. "Are you assigning a quest?"

Chiron gave me a strange look. "To go where? To do what?" His eyebrows drew together. "Even if I wanted to, I fear that to doing that would endanger more people. We have already lost too many campers, and for what cause? I believe the Athena cabin-including Annabeth-would agree with me if I said that there is much more planning to do."


His deep brown eyes silenced me. "Percy, I know that you're going to try to leave." He arched an eyebrow, a slight twinkle of humour in his expression. "After all, I do know you."

"I know I can do it." I said. "I have this gut feeling. I've been trusted with quests before."

Chiron shook his head, his gaze moving behind me-in the general direction of Manhattan. "It's not the same. Everything has changed. A new danger has arisen, and we have barely scratched the surface of what it is...or who caused it." He glanced up at the sky, almost fearfully. "And Poseidon would be furious if I allowed you to leave on a quest, especially when you're wounded."

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