25. The Senate Meeting

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What's this? An early update?! *gasp* I've been ill today so I've been laying on the sofa writing fanfiction, eating ice cream and reading. Oh, the joys of illness. 

Enjoy! Sorry it's quite a long chapter (over 3750 words). Buuut there's a extra cute Solangelo scene at the end-I swear I'm obsessed with this ship. It may just be sailing past Percabeth (though Percabeth is adorableeeeeee)

Will (unedited)

Will had never liked meetings.

Not even the ones at Camp Half-Blood, where the Stoll brothers always managed to lighten the mood by pulling a prank on one of the fellow counsellors or Lou Ellen set someone's nose on fire. Despite the banter, they always had to discuss something gravely important to do with the fate of the world, et cetera, et cetera, which Chiron often described with his grim but wise words. Everything was always negative, and Will hated negativity. He preferred a positive outlook on things and taking action when it was needed, though sometimes-dam that, most of the time-that didn't work.

But this meeting was the most optimistic one he'd been to-and, consequently, the dullest so far.

Reyna, at first, had introduced them all to the rest of the senate which was made up by Roman demigods and descendants, along with many purple-glowing Lares (whom Nico had pointed out to Will and told him they were household gods). The Greek demigods (plus Grover) then had to recite their journey here, leaving out some details that weren't important. They came to the part where Percy was taken by the...what was it? Enchiladas? Enchidna? And atmosphere grew thick with tension, the shadows on the Roman's faces darkening. Will had almost forgot that the guy had been Praetor here for a small while, and the Romans still possessed some loyalty for him-frankly, that didn't surprise him. Percy Jackson always managed to inspire loyalty.

When the others had finished speaking, the senate starting muttering amongst themselves, the sound steadily rising until people were shouting over each other, each having a different opinion, a different solution.

"Fight back!" One Roman roared over the chaos, standing up. "Take back the cities from the Infected. The best defence is offence!"

A group around him bellowed with approval, clapping his shoulder.

"No!" A girl stood up with a large, Imperial gold spear in her hand. "Wait it out! There's too many of them to fight. We've already lost too many!"


"Take back the cities!"

"Wait it out!"



The senate suddenly fell silent, looking up at their praetor with quiet amazement and a little bit of fear.

Frank's face was red from shouting and maybe a little from embarrassment. He was stood up, his praetor cloak spilling out behind him and his eyes studying the people below him with what seemed like tiny flames flickering in his irises. When Will had first been told this guy was the son of Mars, the Roman war god, he hadn't believed him. But now he could see.

The girl with curly cinnamon hair-Hazel, was it?- on the front row, who had stayed silent and still during the chaos, stared up at the male praetor with golden eyes filled with pride.

Reyna stepped forward beside Frank, her face hard. "This is not how we settle things in the senate." She scanned their faces, one by one. Will was pretty sure he saw more than one of the legionnaires tremble under her gaze. "We will address each issue one by one, with order and respect for other's opinions. Is that clear?"

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