24. Togas in a Twist

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Hi guys! Sorry it's late again, but it's here nevertheless. 

I'm trying with Will's POV which is why it took me longer to write-I'm sorry if it's a little out of character, but it's my first attempt. 

I hope you enjoy!


Will just wanted to sleep without dreams.

As soon as he said goodnight to Nico and stepped into his own room-though, technically it was early morning-he realised how exhausted he felt. His muscles were sore and his eyelids felt as if someone had poured a bucket of cement over them.

It was hardly surprising. Over the last week or so they had encountered many of the Infected-and had, in Will's opinion, way too many close calls- as well as a few, very uncooperative groups of mortals and the occasional rogue nymph. Will wasn't exactly the best fighter, his skills mainly residing in medicine unlike his half-siblings. He wasn't used to using his bow and arrows so much, and blisters had formed on his fingertips which were slow to heal without ambrosia.

He had fallen asleep before he could take off his shoes.

And, of course, he was dragged into a demigod dream.

The first thing Will noticed was the smell.

The scent of sulphur clogged up his airways and made it difficult to breathe. Already, he could feel blisters forming on his skin.

He had been told about this place by his-uh, Nico. The son of Hades hadn't told him much, the shadows around his eyes growing darker with memories of suffering and pain. Will, against his nature, had forced himself to not ask too many questions about Tartarus. He hated to see Nico hurting.

The ground under his feet was sharp and glass-like. It was painful to walk on, but he stumbled forward.

In the hellish purple-red glow, Will saw a figure curled up against a small outcropping. His right wrist was chained to the dagger-like rock with a chain made out of a strange material. Though it was hard to tell in the dim light, the figure appeared to have a Camp Half-Blood necklace that glittered slightly and messy, dark hair. His eyes were closed.

"Percy?" Will called his name, coughing. The atmosphere was already taking its toll.

The figure raised his head. "Will?" It croaked weakly, then again, stronger; "Will? What are you doing here?" He coughed.

Will knelt next to him. "Are you hurt?"

Percy tried to sit up. His chest rose and fell in rapid succession. "You need...leave. She'll come back."

"Who?" Curiosity momentarily overtook concern.

In response, footsteps crunching over the glass-like rock were heard.

Percy scrambled upright, his green eyes suddenly wide. "Tell Grover to end the link. You need to go." He fixed him with his wolf-stare. "Wake up."

"Who is she, Percy?" Will, pretending not to have been shaken by the glare, demanded. His voice wavered slightly.

A shadow fell on him. Someone-or something-was stood above him.

Suddenly there was a voice next to his ear. A warm breath tickled his jaw line. "Wake up." She hissed.

Will jolted upright, the covers of the bed swathed across his legs and his midsection. His heavy breathing was the only sound that filled the small room, along with the clock on the wall opposite his bed which ticked the seconds passed as his heart rate slowed. It was just gone past nine-thirty in the morning, which meant that he had slept for over a twenty-four hours

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