7. Roadtrip With A Snoring Nico

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Hi everyone! Chapter 7 here!

Sorry about the last chapter-i had a few technical difficulties with Wattpad because once I'd published it, i checked to see my notifications and i saw that it had disappeared, so I published it again and then it reappeared, so I had two of the same chapters XD Oops.

Hope you enjoy!! This chapter was fun to write!

Chapter Seven

We drove through the countryside in silence.

I sat was in the passenger seat with Thalia driving next to me, while Nico snored loudly in the backseat, his head resting on Annabeth's shoulder. I raised an eyebrow at her and she stuck her tongue out at me in reply.

"Seriously?" Thalia asked, glancing at me. "Stop with the flirting, it's distracting."

Annabeth smiled and then put a finger to her lips, gesturing at Nico. He had stirred slightly at the sound of Thalia's voice, but he had stilled almost immediately, his snores returning to their regular rhythm.

"I don't know how that kid can sleep so much." Thalia whispered.

I sighed wistfully, momentarily wishing I was back in my mom's apartment where I could sleep until around 3pm on a weekend. "I do."

We travelled in a comfortable silence. I managed to drift off to sleep every so often, but the same dream-the girl offering me the chalice-haunted me every I closed my eyes.

I shifted, sitting up a little more in my seat. Now the horizon was starting to glow pink and red, with the sun sinking behind the hills.

I remembered what Margaret had said about the undead...that they rose every night and disappeared by dawn. If that was true, we were about to be in trouble.

"Maybe we should stop somewhere for the night." I suggested. "There isn't enough room to sleep in the car."

Annabeth presented a large map from the side of her seat, rustling it open and jostling Nico awake.

"Huh?" He said, before immediately falling back to sleep, his snores louder than ever.

"Well?" Thalia asked, her eyes focused on the road ahead. "Do we know where we are, or not?"

Annabeth moistened her lips, looking uncertain. "Ah, I think we're heading in the general direction of east, so we should be in the state of Missouri. Apart from that, we're pretty much lost."

"Fantastic." Thalia muttered.

I sighed and stretched. "I think the best thing we can do is keep driving until we hit the next town. We have enough water, food and gas for at least a few days."

"For once, Percy's right." Annabeth shifted under the weight of Nico and glanced out the window, the Oklahoma countryside passing by us. "It won't exactly be comfy or glamorous, but it's the best thing we can do."

Nico yawned and stretched out his legs, kicking the back of my seat. "I guess we could always turn back."

"And go back to that creepy town?" I demanded. "No way."

The road in front of us began to curve, and Thalia braked slightly. "I've been thinking." She said. "If one town has already been overtaken by these rotting corpses, then who's to say that they haven't taken over the whole country, maybe even the world."

There was a brief silence. I thought about my home, New York, and then about my mom and Paul. My heart sank.

"Well that's a depressing thought." Nico mumbled.

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