Kerry Carson to the Rescue

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After some time, the trio was getting near the forest.

"Are we there yet?" Amber asked impatiently.

"Yes, we are," Hugo said. "There it is: Bosque de Rosa!"

There were a lot of beautiful rose trees in the forest.

"I can see why it's called that, Hugo," Sofia said. "The forest is full of beautiful rose trees."

Hugo spotted the sepia coach Arthur had taken. "There's Prince Arthur's coach," he said. "I hope he's not causing any trouble in these woods."

"I hope you know how to land this thing!" Sofia cried.

"I don't!" Hugo yelped.

The coach landed very hard on the ground and started shaking. The horse kept running, and the wings and wheels broke off.

Hugo pulled on the reins and begged, "Please stop! Please stop! Please stop! Please stop!"

Finally, the coach stopped next to the sepia coach. Sofia jumped out of the coach and started running.

"Wait, we have to hike through these woods to find Prince Arthur?" Amber asked.

Sofia was annoyed by Amber's complaining. She turned around and reprimanded her, "Yes, Amber—and since you're the reason Prince Arthur is here in the first place, it would be nice if you'd stop complaining and help us get my amulet back!"

"I am trying!" Amber protested. "These forest is just really big." She was really shaken up by her younger sister's anger, and she had never seen her so angry.

Amber turned to Hugo and told him, "Oh, she's really mad at me."

"Well, you took her amulet, and how can I blame her for being angry?" Hugo declared. "You brought an evil prince to my home, and now he wants to overthrow my family and take over the kingdom."

Hugo followed Sofia around the woods, and Amber was shaken that they were both angry with her for the mess she made. "I have to make it up to them," she told herself. She followed the duo around the woods.

Meanwhile, Arthur was still trying to destroy the amulet, but he still had no luck. He saw a young horsewoman who had been hiking in the woods with her herd of horses. Arthur saw that she had a lighter and some wood with her. He decided that he should drop the amulet in a fire to destroy it, so when the horsewoman wasn't looking, Arthur took her lighter and firewood.

Meanwhile, Hugo and the princesses were still looking for Arthur when they smelled something burning.

"Is something burning?" Sofia asked.

"Oh, I hope it's not a forest fire," Hugo said.

"Look, there's Arthur," Sofia said.

Hugo and the princesses saw Arthur setting up a fire in order to destroy the amulet.

"We need to distract Arthur to get the amulet back," Hugo said.

"Let's do it," Sofia said.

Sofia jumped out and called, "Prince Arthur!"

Arthur turned around and saw Hugo and the princesses.

"Are you Prince Arthur?" Hugo asked angrily.

"That would be me, and who are you, my boy?" Arthur asked.

"I'm Prince Hugo," Hugo introduced himself. "I hear you're trying to take over my home, Arthur."

"Indeed I am, young sire," Arthur smirked. "But first, I need to destroy your best friend Princess Sofia's amulet, so it doesn't send me back to my island prison. That way, I can finally have a kingdom of my own."

But Amber went up and snatched the amulet away. She ran over and gave the amulet back to Sofia.

"Thanks, Amber," Sofia said.

"Yes, we broke the curse!" Amber exclaimed happily.

Hugo put the amulet back around Sofia's neck. But the trio saw that Arthur was still here—and that meant the curse still wasn't broken.

"Are you sure about that?" Arthur smirked.

Suddenly, the horsewoman ran over to see what was going on. "Curse? Someone is cursed?" she asked.

"She was," Sofia said, pointing to Amber.

"And apparently still is because I'm still here," Arthur said.

The horsewoman looked confused.

"It's a long story, Miss Carson," Hugo said.

"Is that my firewood and my lighter?" Miss Carson glared. "So you're the one who stole my stuff!" She took a bucket of water and doused the fire.

"What are we going to do?" Sofia asked.

"Run!" Miss Carson warned.

Hugo and the princesses started running through the woods.

"Stop them!" Arthur told his butterflies.

The sepia butterflies started chasing after Hugo and the princesses.

Just as Hugo and the girls got out of the woods, Hugo slipped and nearly fell down a nearby chasm.

"Hugo!" Sofia cried. She grabbed him by the hands, and she and Amber tried to pull him out. But then the trio fell all the way down to the bottom of the chasm.

"There's nowhere to run now," Arthur called. "You should've listened to me when you had the chance. Fetch me that amulet!"

But as the butterflies went to get the amulet, Miss Carson's herd of horses went chasing the butterflies all over the place.

"If you don't leave that little prince and his friends alone, my horses will stomp your butterflies!" Miss Carson threatened.

"Well, okay," Arthur agreed. "Let's go back to the palace, my butterflies."

Just as Arthur disappeared, Miss Carson called down the chasm, "He's gone now. You're safe!"

"Thanks, Miss Carson," Hugo called.

"Please, young sire, just call me 'Kerry'," said Kerry. "Hold tight. Let me see if I can get you out of there."

Kerry checked her bag for a rope, but she didn't find one. "Oh, I'm really sorry, young majesties," she apologized. "I don't have any rope."

"Oh, that's okay, Kerry," said Hugo.

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