Getting Ready

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Netty's P.O.V
Today is the day I go on my date with Tom, Sqaishey and Amy of course are my stylists. Seriously though they are acting like I'm some super model. They have literally brought every and I mean EVEY piece of make up that ever lived and they have 50 dresses to pick from!
"Guys I'm not a super model!"
"But this is your first date ! Trust us, you will thank us after it" Amy laughed and walked over to the dresses and picked up a navy blue one. It was beautiful, I smiled at the thought of wearing it! Sqaishey saw my smile and said "I think that's the one Amy"
"So do I, now put this one on Netty."
She handed me the dress and I walked into my bathroom and quickly got changed into it. I stood at the mirror and looked at myself. I felt pretty, not beautiful, but pretty. I walked into my bedroom where Sqaishey and Amy were, and they both looked up when they saw me come in. "You look amazing Netty!" Sqaishey said
"Sqaish are you doing her hair or makeup ?"
"I'll do her hair and you can do her makeup"
"Let's go then !"
* 30 mins later*
Sqaishey and Amy FINALLY finished, they both stood back and nodded, the smiles on their faces where massive and Sqaishey ran out of the room saying "forgot something!" And came back with a little flower crown and put it on my head. "There, perfect."
Now I was ready for my date.

Tom's P.O.V
Stampy and Squid got me a suit and told me to get changed. I did as I was told. I was so nervous!
"Bro chill out " laughed Squid
"You can say that but your not the one going on a date!" I snapped back
"S-sorry Squid, I'm just panicking"
"You don't need to worry Tom" said Stampy "Just chill out and be yourself"
"I guess so, b-but what happens if she doesn't like me !"
"Trust me Tom, I know my sister and she can't stop staring at you!"
"Just like you can't stop staring at her" joked Squid
"Ha ha very funny"
It turned 6 o clock and I was picking Netty up at 6:30. The girls house was only 10 minuets away but I would set of soon anyway.
Stampy and Squid walked me to the car, I would drive over and I am taking Netty to a special place I found.
"Good luck bro!"
"Just be yourself mate see you later!"
"Bye guys thanks for everything!"
I got into the car and parked up outside the girls house at 6:25. Stop being nervous Tom! You'll be fine! I walked up to the door and knocked on, and there smiling back at me was the beautifulest girl in the world ...

Hi guys ! Hope you liked this chapter of my story ! I was a day early as well ! Next chapter on Thursday - Amelia X

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