Goodbye Netty

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Netty's P.O.V
I froze not knowing what to do. Jack has a knife to Tom's neck and I couldn't do anything about it.
"Why are you doing this !" I asked him, not wanting to shout incase he did anything to Tom
"I'm doing this because of you"
Great ! He is now trying to flirt with me and I don't know how to react to this at all!
"I will let him go unharmed on one condition". Unharmed ! This is all my fault ! If I had just not started YouTube !
"What's that condition ?" I asked wearily
"I know you don't like me back Netty, but just for once. For the last time. I want to kiss you, and I want you to kiss back"
How did I know he was going to ask that! But that would be me cheating on Tom, but if I don't kiss him he will hurt Tom and I couldn't bare that!
I hesitated before saying "and you'll leave my life forever, and never come back" he nodded and released Tom and we all ran towards him, all fussing over him checking he was ok. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around knowing who it would be, he dragged me upstairs to be in private and pushed me against the wall, kissing me passionately, I kissed him back, my hands linked round his neck and his hands were on my cheeks. After a few more seconds of hell I stopped kissing him but he whispered "more, kiss me more" I did as I was told and pushed his lips onto mind. That was it now, I'm done. I stopped kissing him and looked at the floor. He lifted me head up and kissed me softly on the lips before saying "goodbye Netty" and he ran out the room. I was left on my own in a spare room, when I heard a scream from downstairs. Tom's scream... I bolted down the stairs to see Jack running out the door quickly followed by Squid and Stampy
"NETTY! GET IN HERE !" Shouted Sqaishey and I ran in the kitchen to see Tom on the floor, in a pool of blood. How was I so stupid ! I ran over to him as tears started to form in my eyes "T-Tom it's ok, your going to be ok" I managed to get out, my tears were now falling all over the floor, and I might lose him, forever
"Yeah it's me, I'm staying right here" he smiled as Amy and Sqaishey started to clean Tom up. I kissed his cheek and held his hand while helping clearing up the cut on his arm. Stampy and Squid came in and we moved Tom to the couch.
"Do we need to take him to the hospital ?" Stampy asked us
"No, he will be fine" Amy replied
"He wasn't cut to deep"
Tom's P.O.V
I couldn't open my eyes for long but when I did I was on the couch and everyone was around me. I caught Amy saying that I would be fine and that made me feel a little better. I was able to regain some strength as I can now open my eyes fully and see everyone's faces smiling down at me. "What happened?" I asked them all. Netty moved into the kitchen with tears in her eyes
"Well" Squid started "basically Jack came down the stairs and cut you, but he's gone now so you don't need to worry"
Netty's P.O.V
It's all my fault! I couldn't hear Squid telling Tom what happened ! Why had I been so stupid! Tears started falling down my cheek as someone came in, Stampy. "Hey big sis" he put his hand on my shoulder and grabbed the cup of tea I was making for everyone
"Hey" I whispered back
"You should come back in the lounge, Tom's asking for you" wait what ! Rewind that a second ! Tom is asking for me ! "Ok". I answered back and went in the lounge to find Amy and Squid doing a duet ! There such a cute couple ! Everyone looked up as I entered the room
"And this is where we stop" squid said "let's give them some privacy" everyone slowly walked out the room leaving me and Tom. I walked over to him and he was smiling up at me! Like nothing was wrong ? "How ya feeling ?"
"Better now you're here"
"I'm sorry Tom " I started to tear up, how can you tell someone your sorry that their ex nearly killed you! "It-"
"No Netty !" He interrupted me "stop saying sorry ! It's not your fault ! "
I smiled at his compliment but it WAS my fault, Tom sat up and I sat down next to him. His arm over mine, we both slouched backwards into the couch and I cuddled into him.
Sqaishey's P.O.V
We came back into the living room and found Netty and Tom asleep in each other's arms. They looked so perfect sleeping together ...

Super long chapter but I couldn't stop writing ! Merry Christmas everyone !! 💗

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