Saving Her

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Hey you guys, I go by the name Rachel and I'm the author of this book. Let's skip all the stuff you probably don't really care about and get to the key points of this book.

I have had this idea for this book for a while. ALEXIA HAS A PAST OK? She will do dumb things and have a few flash backs. I appreciate and love reader feedback and I don't really want to have to tell you this but please don't be those people who comment and bluntly be rude.

I don't have the best grammar or spelling when I write. I do scan through the chapters to make sure there isn't anything out of place. But I am human and it's fine if you point out my mistakes.

All rights reserved. Please please don't copy my stuff without permission.

This book is PG-13 so um you've been warned.

I hope this didn't scare you guys off.

With lots of love thank you for checking out my book.

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