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I woke up to my mom yelling at me to wake up. I groaned because I really didn't want to get up. I finally got up and went into the bathroom. I took a shower then put on black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt. After I got done changing and doing my hair I went and put on my Vans.

Before I knew it Jayden was standing in my room? "Um, why are you here?", I asked really surprised.

"My mom is making me take you to school so, come on.", he said sounding like he was trying to act upset about it. Hey, why wouldn't he be?

"I'm good with walking.", I said to him. I seriously rather die then be in a car with him.

"Fine, whatever.", he said annoyed. Then he just left looking a little upset.

I walked to school and when I got in the school everyone was just staring at me. Which isn't surprising sense everyone hates me because Jayden makes fun of me. I walked to my locker and Jayden yelled across the hall, "Oh look the freak is still alive!" after that everyone laughed.

"What is with him!",

I thought to myself. I walked to my first class which was science and sadly I have to sit next to Jayden, The teacher started saying something that I really didn't want to hear. "You guys are going to have a project due next week. Who ever you are sitting next to will be your partner." He looked a little happy about it.

"Come over to my house to do the project tonight.", Jayden said like a command.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Not really.", he said while smirking.

Before I knew it the day was over and I was walking out of the school. "Dawn!", I heard someone yell. I turned around and saw Jayden standing there.

"Er, yeah?", I said looking and sounding surprised.

"Come with me and I’ll give you a ride to my house.", he said with a little smirk. Everyone heard and just looked at us like we were insane. All the cheerleaders who liked Jayden gave me a snobby look. I just started laughing.

"What’s so, funny?", Jayden asked as we walked to the car.

"Its just that you said that and everyone looked really surprised and then there’s the fact that every girl was looking at me like they were going to kill me.", I said while we were sitting in the car.

"There just jealous because your so pretty.",he said with a smirk. Did he really say that? Wait, no I must of heard him wrong.

"What?", I said to him looking really confused.

He laughed and said, "Nothing."

When we got to his house it looked the same as usual. With him and my mom being friends I usually would have to come over and have dinner with them or something. "Hey sweetie.", his mom said to me.

"Hey.", I said while smiling.

"Well, were going to be up in my room working on a project.", He said to his mom.

"Okay, honey.", she said back with a smile.

Er, sorry that it was so boreing.

The next part with be alot more intersting.

Thanks for reading!:) ~Megan

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