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  • Dedicated to An Old Friend Of Mine

Friday, me and Jayden talked some more and he went home right after. I was still kind of confused on our relationship and also confused on if I should trust him, but it seemed all right for now.

It was now Monday morning and my alarm clock was going off. I dread Mondays, but I guess there is always something in life that you have to dread. I slowly got out of bed and got ready for school, I still was partly not aware of what was going to be happening at school. I had a feeling it wasn't going to be to much fun, but who knows?

I walked into school and went to my locker and got my books for class; had a normal day so far.

Then a couple of classes passed; no sign of Jayden. I walked to lunch and sat down at my regular table, and then out of no where Jayden sat down. Which mean didn't really shock me to much sense he always does things I don't expect.

" Hey.", he said with a huge smile. I guess he was a lot happier that I was speaking to him again or something. If he was then that’s good, because I was happy to, but still sort of confused in a way.

" Why are you so happy?", I said with a smile also. If he was happy then why shouldn't I be, too?

" Were friends again!", he said with a laugh, but also with a slight worried face.

" We are?", I smirked at him. Why not have mess with him, sense he has been messing with me sense high school started.

" Yes, we are. No, turning into enemies again.", he said looking serious. I guess he seriously wanted to be friends. Which I guess I could try and be friends to. I'll try to be the bigger person and put everything in the past.

" Okay, I can go with that.", I said smiling. I could be friends with him. I did miss him and I wanted to talk to him again.

I saw Lacey and the rest of little friends staring at me and Jayden. I sensed a bit of jealousy which made me smirk a little. Mean why not have fun and make her mad. What else would make the day better? Though, I’m not really like that. I'm probably going to get yelled at by her later telling me that I need to stay away from him blah, blah, blah. Any girl who ever hanged out with him she would do it to. I've seen it happen a million times. I wonder if Jayden and her are going out, though.

" Can I ask you something?", I asked Jay den innocently.

" Of course.", he said right back with a smile and a gleam in his eyes.

" Are you and Lacey going out?", I asked trying to be calm about it because I seriously didn't like the thought of them two going out, but they probably were.

" She seems to think so. I can't really say no to her.", he said with a smirk. Wow, he is a perv.

" Your such a perv.", I said to him squinting my eyes.

" I am not!", he said looking at me the same way.

" Whatever.", I said.

" I didn't even mean it that way.", he said smiling.

"Sure, sure.", I said rolling my eyes. He just smiled at me and then the rest of lunch flew by with conversations about nothing.]

I went to the rest of my classes and then it was the end of the day so I went to my locker and started to turn around when I saw Lacy coming towards me with a evil glare in her eyes. See what did I tell you? She always threats, yells, ect, ect, when anyone talks to Jayden. Its even worse sense she knows me and Jayden used to be best friends. She kept coming closer, and I just stood there waiting.

" What?", I said to her with a careless expression.

" You know what! Stay away from Jayden.", she said with a evil look that made me want to laugh. She wouldn't fight mean come on she would break a nail wouldn't she?

" As if you have any way of stopping it anyway.", I said rolling my eyes. Seriously, who did she think she was? She wasn't getting anywhere with this one bit.

" I have my ways.", she said with a smirk and walked away.

I really hate her. She just can't trust anything. Well, she should sense if I can get Jayden to be mine then I am going to. I did say I would forget about the past, and he said he was sorry, I think I can get passed it all. Plus, all that is going through my mind is me and Jaydens child hood; filled with memories.

*Flash Back*

Jayden: *Riding bike through my yard* come on Dawn!

Me: *Riding bike thinking about if I liked Jayden or not* hold on!

*End Of Flash Back*

It may be a stupid memory; a short memory, but it was one of the many that just put a little smile on my face.

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