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I was getting used to the idea of me and Jayden being friends again. It seems like my mom was sticking it in my face telling me that she has been trying to tell me this would happen. Next thing you know she is going to be telling me that me and him are going to get married, or something. If she did I all I have to say is: In my dreams.

Jayden for the past week has been hanging out with me at my house. Everything feels like its back to normal, but its still not and I can feel it. I guess its my brain trying to get me to remember all the things he did to me. He has said sorry a million times, though, and he looks sorry. So, on the most part I am trying to forget it all. I guess that’s a start.

" Hey best", Jayden said while walking in my room and laying on my bed. He always does that. Not like I care, though. He used to do that when I was little to. He makes himself a invitation to barge in my room.

" Do you ever knock?", I said giving him a smirk, trying my hardest not to laugh. I

know why would this be funny? Well, I think it is. Because he always has something to one up whatever I say.

" And why would it matter?", he said with a smirk. As usual, its like all guys have their own unique smirk.

" Because maybe one day I’m going to be changing and your going to open the door!", I said looking at him completely serious. I can only imagine how embarrassing that would be.

" I keep hoping so, but I never do.", he said while winking at me. He is such idiot, but a funny idiot. My idiot best friend.

" And never will.", this time I was smirking, feeling proud of myself.

He defiantly surprised me when he got off my bed and picked me up while hugging me.

" Surprise you enough?", he said laughing his head off.

" Your such a idiot!", I said while laughing also.

Why does he do things like that? Its just weird sense I think I like him. Which I know that I shouldn't because I know Lacey would flip, even though she already has. Though, he is just cute. I can't help, but think that. He has blue eyes that look kind of green and black-is brown hair that goes over one eye; you'd just be crazy to not think he is.

I looked back at him and he just had a smirk on his face. His eyes just gleaming with amusement.

" What?", I asked kind of scared that he saw me staring at him.

" I know I’m hot in all, but you don't have to stare at me so much.", he said with a even bigger smirk.

Damn, he saw me. Great, just great. Now he will have a million embarrassing things to say.

" I wasn't.", I said looking down at my feet while my cheeks were burning red. This was seriously embarrassing.

" Then why are you blushing?", he said still smirking. He was seriously enjoying this!

"Um-", I tried saying something, but there was really much I could say. Though, then he came up to me and hugged me.

" It so much fun embarrassing you!", he said with a really amused smile. He was laughing a bit, but I was just blushing from embarrassment even more. " Chill out, I was kidding.", he said while poking my cheek.

" Whatever.", I said trying to sound mad, not embarrassed, but it just came out as a mumble.

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