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***5 months later

Life as I know it has been better. School is over that means Jayden and I are going to college soon. Well, actually he is going to college and I’m not going to for a year. That is because I feel like I deserve a break, not to mention no college is excepting me. Stupid people.

"Are you sure everything is going to fine if I go?", Jayden asked.

He keeps asking that. He is going to a school a long ways from where I live. Which I wish I could cry and beg on my knees for him to stay, but even when we were little he'd say he wanted to go. What kind if girlfriend would I be if I made him stay?

"Its all right, I’ll be fine I promise.", I said with a half smile.

He was packing up all of his stuff right now and as hard it was to watch I knew we would be just fine. Tomorrow he would get on a plane and leave and it would be hard to watch, but there is nothing I can do, nor will do.

"I'm just worried.", he said looking at me like I was supposed to tell him to stay, but I’m not going to.

"There is no reason to be worried. I'll be just fine. We will be just fine.", I said as I kissed him.

I went home and went to bed because I knew tomorrow was going to be a long day. After he leaves I’ll probably be crying the rest of the day. Even though I know he will call me everyday, there is still no way of being able to actual see him, and that will be what’s going to hurt the most. Though, I am glad he is happy. There is nothing more that I want then to see him smile. I'll be there for him through anything.


I woke up from a bad dream. I had a dream that I went to see Jayden and he was kissing some girl. That wasn't the best way to wake up at all. I looked at the clock and it say 7:00 a.m. It was time to wake up and go over to Jaydens.

I got up, took a shower, got ready, and then left heading to his house. When I got there I saw Jayden standing at his parents car filling it up with his things. Right then and there I felt the urge to cry, but I knew this was hard for him to so, I had to be strong.

"Hey!", I screamed at him while I got out of the car.

He dropped some box and looked at me with a "What the hell?" face.

"Woops, sorry.", I said while laughing.

"Thanks so much.", he said while rolling his eyes.

After packing all of the rest of his things, we got in the car and drove to the airport. The whole time me and Jayden were holding hands, not wanting him to go. Everything seemed like it was ending, but like it was only beginning also.

We finally arrived at the airport and we were waiting for the airplane to be called. I was just standing there hugging Jayden not wanting to let go, and it seemed like he was doing that to.

"Plane 54 is boarding, plane 54 is boarding now.", we heard it being called over the intercom.

"Well, looks like I have to go", Jayden said while hugging me tighter.

"Mhm", I mumbled.

He let go of me and looked me in my eyes.

"I love you.", he said.

"I love you to", I said as I kissed him.

"Bye", he said as he was about to walk away.

"Bye", I whispered while waving.

After I saw that he walked out the door to the plane I went to the big window and watched the plane taking off. Tears were in my eyes, but I wouldn't let them come.

"Who said I love you, too?", I whispered to my self. "No one, but I am in love with you, Jayden.", I kept whispering to myself and a fresh tear went down my face.

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