The Last Night

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It was nearly 9:00 and dark by the time we got back to Silverado. Troy and I sat on the bed in the back room even though the RV was folded up, it was extra cozy. I had my head dug deep into my phone, scrolling through ClicPic to see what the girls were posting. The next thing I knew, Troy had snatched my phone from my hand and set it on the dresser beside him. "Hey! I was using that!" I defended. Troy smiled at me and started tickling me to death. I laughed so hard, I couldn't breathe. "Stop! Troy, I can't breathe!" I yelled. He stopped tickling me and rubbed my arm. I started laughing to myself as I stretched over him and grabbed my phone. My mom got back in the RV and directed us toward Troy's house.

When we got there, my mom insisted we wait until Troy gets inside to drive away, just in case. "Bye Troy! Thanks for coming" I thanked him. "Thank you, Bella" he emphasized. I smiled and waved at him, though he didn't stand up. My mom was glancing at us from the front seat, watching us say our goodbyes. Troy's smiled faded as he pulled me in and hugged me just tight enough not to hurt me. I jumped a little, then leaned my head on his shoulder, wrapping my hands around his neck, letting my elbows dangle at our sides. I almost thought Troy was crying, but when he let me go, he wiped his eyes and rubbed my leg. My mom tilted her head and sighed. "Thanks for coming Troy, we enjoyed having you" she said as Troy walked toward the door of the RV. "Thanks Ms. Dawson" he replied and shut the door behind him. My mom turned to me as she asked, "Is he alright?" I returned the look to her. "I-I think so.." I stuttered in confusion. We watched Troy walk up to his doorstep and struggle to open the door. He started ringing the doorbell, and banging on the door. Nothing happened. He turned to see if the RV was still there and ran back to us. I leaped from the bed when I saw him running back. I opened the door to let him in, he completely avoided my presence and turned to my mom. "Nobody's there, it's locked" he announced. "Alright, come back to our house and you can call her from the landline phone" she suggested. "Alright, thank you" Troy said breathing heavily. He took a seat in the booth and I sat next to him, pressing the side of my body up against him. He had just realized I was there and pulled my head onto his shoulder and began caressing my hair lightly.

When we got to my house, my mom and I brought our bags in, as well as Troy's. Troy darted into the house and picked up the phone, beginning to dial his mom's number. It went to voicemail. I saw the sudden devastation in his eyes as I stared directly at him while he made the call. He looked at me, nearly in tears. "It's alright, you can stay here...with us" I added. Troy smiled and patted my shoulder as he walked out to the RV where my mom was still unloading it, to tell her what had happened. I sat on the couch and stared at the black TV and up at the roof. Troy walked back in with a suddenly changed mood. "I get to stay here with you tonight! Your mom said she'd keep trying to reach my mom in the meantime" Troy announced. I smiled and started jumping up and down in joy.

Later that night, Troy and I decided to watch the movie "Friday the 13th." It's a horror movie about a serial killer who just goes around killing people, one after another throughout the entire movie. We drenched our popcorn in salt and vinegar flavouring and began to watch the movie. We pulled out the couch so it was like a sofa bed. We set up a little comfy spot to watch in before we went into my room to go to bed. The movie absolutely terrified me. I was shaking, covering my eyes with the blanket at every intense moment. "We can turn it off if you want?" Troy suggested as he watched me mentally struggle with my thoughts. "No no, I can handle it" I informed. Troy shrugged his shoulders and faced back toward the TV. All of a sudden, the serial killer stabbed yet another person and blood oozed from their wound. "Ahhhh!!" I screamed a high pitched scream as tears suddenly began rapidly rushing down my face. Troy jumped at my scream and suddenly turned toward me and saw my red face with screams and tears all over it. Troy looked genuinely surprised but mostly sorry for me. I dug my face into the beige, light but warm blanket I had spread across me and started sobbing into it. "Aww, Bella!" Troy cried as he scooted up close to me. He wrapped his arm around me and used his other one to caress my arm gently. "Shh, it's alright. I've got you, look around, it isn't reality. It's not real, Bella" he informed, trying to sooth me. I sniffled and looked up and around my house, and it brought me back to reality. I nodded my head at Troy, as he looked into my desperately scared eyes, his face only a few inches away from mine. "See, it's okay" he comforted. He started making silly jokes, I laughed like a 3-year-old, with a gentle giggle as Troy's face was close to mine, my face red and wet from crying. Troy held both my wrists at our shoulders with a gentle grip. The next moment, Troy kissed me, rubbing the side of my neck with one hand, caressing my wet cheek with the other. I let out a breath of relief and held my hands just below the side of his chest. We both let go, lied down and began laughing our heads off. He tickled me and cuddled me, I hadn't stopped laughing even a little bit for 15 minutes straight. Troy sat up and glanced at the TV. "Bella?" he asked, looking at me. I sat up and turned toward him. "Yeah?" I answered. "There's only 20 minutes left in the movie, you wanna finish it?" he suggested. My giggles suddenly turned to a scared frown as I shook my head. "No no, it's okay. I'll be holding you the entire time, it's almost over. It gets better from here" Troy informed. I agreed and we leaned back on the sofa bed. Troy wrapped his arm around me, letting me lean my head on his chest. I rubbed his neck and shoulder, with my face close to his chest, facing to the TV. He ran his fingers through my hair and held my waist with the other hand. Every once in a while when I got scared, (as in every minute or two) he'd kiss my head rapidly, leaving me to giggle instead of cry of fear.

The movie had ended and I had actually survived (Shabooya!) which I was proud of. Troy and I cleaned up the sofa bed and headed upstairs to my bedroom. "So? You can sleep in my bed and I'll take the sleeping bag on the floor" I suggested. "No!" Troy quickly rejected. "Okaaaay?" I said awkwarded out. "You can have the sleeping bag then" I switched. "No!" Troy denied again. "Then what?" I asked. "I wanna sleep with you" Troy complained. I smiled in an awkward way, jumping into bed. Troy got in next to me and smiled. "Can you pass me my water bottle?" I asked him. Troy passed it to me. Suddenly it spilt all over me. "Oh my gosh!" I cried in disgust. Troy jumped out of bed and pulled me out. We replaced the sheets and quilt with the ones in my closet. "My pyjamas are soaked" I whined. "Here!" Troy said pulling his blue Christmas onesie out of his bag. "I have my own pjs, Troy. This is my house after all" I explained. "I know, but these are super warm and comfy" Troy informed. "And they'd look super cute on you" he added, blushing. "Well in that case!" I said tearing them from his hand and rushing into my closet to change. I walked out wearing them and smiled. "Ta da!" I cheered, spinning around. "Awww! You look so dang adorable!" Troy said squeezing me. "Instagram and Twitter that!" he said. We took selfies of us, me in his onesie and posted them on Instagram, (Our accounts are @TheTroyDixon and @BellsDawson). We filtered them and posted! We did the same for Twitter, (Our accounts are @ItzTroyDixon and @BellzDawson). Then we decided it was time to head to bed.

We got into my bed and faced one another. "I love you, Bella" Troy said. "I love you to heaven and back!" I returned the comment. "Aww!" Troy exclaimed, planting kisses all over my cheeks. I giggled and held him so close. Troy put his hand under my (or should I say his) pyjamas I was wearing and rubbed my neck and shoulder. I chuckled lightly, rubbing his chest over his pyjamas. He wrapped his leg on top of me and pulled me closer. He massaged my back, kissing my forehead and cheeks. He held his other hand on my waist, rubbing back and fourth. We cuddled like that until 2:00 in the morning, when we fell asleep.

The next morning, we woke up, in each other's arms. We exited my room, to ensure my mom was still asleep and didn't find out about our intense cuddle session, and good thing she was still asleep. We made ourselves breakfast and watched TV on the couch. Troy's mom called late last night and my mom left a note on the counter, in case we woke up before her, which we did. It said that DJ (Troy's little brother) had broken his wrist and his mom was with him in emergency all night and apologized for not getting back to us sooner. Troy was to walk home and be there by noon. I helped him pack his stuff and take it downstairs. "I almost forgot!" I said looking down at my pyjamas. "These are yours!" I said. "That's okay, keep them for now!" Troy allowed. "Thanks, I love them" I answered. I cuddled Troy, standing in his arms for a few minutes before he was to leave. We let go and he kissed my cheek. "Bye Bella, see you soon!" Troy claimed as he walked out. I waved goodbye and watched from the porch until he was out of sight. I knew then and there, nobody was to find out about what had happened, the night after the camping trip. It was the last night.

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