The Old Truth (Sophie's Slip-Up)

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That night, I sat at home alone while my mom was at her ballet studio teaching a class. I was texting Troy, but oddly he wouldn't respond. "That's weird, he usually replies within the minute" I thought. "Hmm, must be busy" I decided. Just then, I heard a bang at my door. "There he is!" I smiled at my thought as I strolled to open the door. When I opened it, to my surprise, it wasn't Troy. It was Sophie. "Bella, wait!" she called as I attempted to shut the door in her face. I opened it and gave her the "make this quick" look. "I'm really really sorry for what I did to you in gym class today" she explained. "I was just in a bad mood because my brothers used my bras as a tightrope again this morning" Sophie added. I sighed out of sympathy. "It's alright, I get it. And seeing me and Troy like that must've been the last thing you expected to see" I apologized. "Trust me, I had NO idea what I was walking in on" she agreed. "I hope you're okay, Bella. You must feel horrible" Sophie added. "Yeah, of course I'm okay" I said confusedly. "That's good, I'm glad you're not upset" she smiled. "Hmm, that was weird" I thought to myself.

I invited her in and made us both hot chocolate and we put on "Baja Beach: The Movie (Extended Version)" to watch since it was Friday night. Pepper was at a film festival downtown that night, so inviting her was out of the question. We decorated headbands with glitter glue and talked about our favourite things. "So, how's football going?" Sophie wondered. "Pretty good, I'm still so psyched to be on the team!" I cheered in excitement. "How's the cheer squad holding up without me?" I asked her. "Nikki is still doing amazing, but she still can't replace you as a friend. But the squad is great, were holding it together" Sophie explained. "Hmm, that's good!" I smiled, trying not to miss cheerleading too much. My phone buzzed, I lifted it from the table. It was my mom.

Mom: Almost done with my class! See you in about an hour! :)

I sighed in disappointment as I set down my phone. "What's wrong?" Sophie asked. "Nothing, it's just that Troy hasn't been responding to me all night" I replied. "Of course not" Sophie laughed. "Huh? What do you mean? What's so funny?" I pestered. "What do you mean?" she questioned back. "What do you mean of course Troy's not responding to me?" I asked. "Pfft, Bella! Do you not know where he is?" she asked like it was obvious. "What? No! Where is he?" I screamed. "He's on a date!" Sophie informed me. Right then, I felt the EXACT moment my heart shattered. "He's on a what now?!" I yelled. "A date! Bella, how could you not know this! He's out at the Starcade with Charlotte!" Sophie educated. "Charlotte?! As in Charlotte Newman?!" Right then and there I remembered the exact words Troy said to me at the hospital that time: "Bella! You wouldn't have lost me! I make my own decisions and no matter what I wouldn't have let her take me away from you." [Taken from 'Hospitalized.'] "Yeah, her..." Sophie zoned out awkwardly. "How could he! And not tell me! Ugh, I hate my life!" I cried into the pillow next to me. "Whoa whoa whoa, wait!" Sophie interrupted my sobs. "What?" I sadly responded, lifting my head from the makeup filled pillow. "He didn't TELL YOU?!" she shouted. "He tried to keep it a secret from you?!" she added angrily. I nodded as I sniffled. "He's DEAD!" Sophie shouted, standing up. "Where are you going?" I cried. "To the Starcade, to emotionally manipulate Troy in front of EVERYONE! Wanna come?" Sophie asked. "Nah, I don't wanna see Troy right now. Especially on a date with Charlotte" tears filled my face. "Fine, suit yourself, but I'm gonna go make that butt-nuckle talk!" she shouted slamming the door behind her.

Sophie marched up to the doors of the Lone Starcade full of fury. She was angry as hell at Troy for what he did to me. As she entered the Starcade, she spotted Troy and Charlotte at the same table Kyle and I sat at on our first date. Sophie stormed up to Troy and loudly cleated get throat. "Ehem" she snorted. "Umm, can I help you?" Troy asked annoyed and confused. "Yeah, actually you can" Sophie sassed. Charlotte rolled her eyes at her. "Okay, but make it quick" Troy joked. "This is in no way funny!" Sophie shouted. "Shh! Keep it down, everyone is looking at us!" Troy demanded. "Everyone will be looking at you when I tell them ALL what's going on here!" Sophie pestered. "Question, what exactly is going on here?" Troy asked. "Are you serious?!" Sophie shot. "I think you're forgetting something" Sophie stopped shouting. "No, I already asked for napkins" Troy laughed. "This is no laughing matter! Do you have any idea what you've done?!" she returned to yelling at him. "Nope, I think I've made that pretty clear" Troy answered. "Oh my god! Remember your best friend in the entire world?" Sophie asked harshly. "Sawyer?" Troy stupidity questioned. "No, you idiot! Bella! Bella Dawson! The girl you promised you'd always be there for! The girl who Little Miss Charlotte here beat the fudge out of! The girl who's at her house crying her soar eyes out right now because you are out on a date with the girl who almost killed her!" Sophie ranted on, Charlotte chuckled. "The girl who's in love with you..." Sophie felt herself on the verge of tears as she let out that last line. Troy's face went dim, speechless. "So? What were you thinking? Do you like Charlotte? Were you purposely keeping this a secret from her? Were you planning on getting away with two timing on Bella? Did you even remember her at all, after all you've been through?" Sophie let the tears fall. "You know what, Sophie?" Troy finally said. She looked up. "My entire life doesn't surround Bella! I have other people, more important people in my life. Maybe I do like Charlotte. Sue me. I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told Bella, I make my own decisions. And I won't let Bella take me away from Charlotte." Troy let out. Sophie's jaw dropped in shock. She felt herself crying harder than she should've been. She looked into Troy's eyes with a high sense of disappointment. "Well what do you expect me to tell Bella now, hmm?" she cried, really cried. "She's at home, crying, devastated, wondering where you are" Sophie sobbed. "Tell her what I told you...or don't, I don't care." Troy rolled his eyes, feeling more emotional than he wanted to. Sophie has ruined his and Charlotte's date. "What happened to the Troy that would've clocked Charlotte in the head for laying a hand on Bella?" Sophie asked before Charlotte interrupted. "Umm, I'm right here if you don't mind" Charlotte sassed. "Oh, sorry that I don't give a shit" Sophie swore. Charlotte and Troy both kinda jumped, not expecting Sophie to swear. "What happened to the Troy who walked every step of the way with Bella when she was hurt? What happened to the Troy who cuddled with Bella until they fell asleep? What happened to the Troy we all thought we knew?" Sophie sniffled. "I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" Charlotte suggested. She turned to Troy as he nodded. Sophie stormed out and began crying as she walked back toward my house. She wiped her soft, wet cheek, wondering what had happened to us and our friends, and what she was going to tell me.

Sophie walked in the door, soaking wet from head to toe. It rained the entire way back, disgusting her tears. "What happened?" I asked strolling my wheelchair up to her. "I-I don't know...All I know is that he's definitely not the Troy he was yesterday" Sophie cried. "Aww, Soph!" I cried, pulling her down to hug me. She sat on the edge of my wheelchair as we cried together. "Im sorry, Bella, I couldn't make him realize, it's like he was a whole different person!" Sophie sobbed, I've never seen her like this. "It's okay, Soph, it's not your fault" I confirmed. She sniffled and nodded her head. I pulled the wet hair out of her face, suggesting she go take a shower and clean up. She nodded her head, slowly, sadly, making her way upstairs to my bathroom.

I plopped myself down on the couch and sighed. "What even happened? I don't understand how one second we're one way, and the next second we're another. I wouldn't ever have seen that coming out of Troy. I thought we were unbreakable, inseparable. There's no way Troy could've changed that fast. It's nearly impossible. Something must be going on here, but what?" That was for me to find out. I thought I knew Troy, and maybe I still do. There's gotta be something bigger behind this, there's gotta be.

Hey everybody! Sorry for the late update, I wasn't feeling it yesterday because of what really happened between Troy and I yesterday. Anyway, these next few chapters are gonna be some of the best! Isn't it hard to believe that we were once just those kids on that camping trip? The story has come along way and I'm really proud! I'll probably be updating more often now that the plot is getting really good. And I know y'all were kind of disappointed about Sophie turning on me like that, so I hope you liked her comeback! Stay tuned for the next couple unexpected plot twists and crazy drama! Again, my apologies for the late update!

Bella Dawson 💞
(Story Writer, Main Character)

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