You Wanna Be Productive?

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When I got home from school, it looked like Troy was right. My mom acted totally normal and it appears that she didn't find out about the tests. "Man, I hope it doesn't come back positive. Because if it does, my mom will have to find out. If it comes back negative and there's nothing wrong with me, all will just go away" I pieced together in my mind. I was horrified going to sleep that night, without Troy once again. I knew the results they were gonna call Troy's mom to announce was going to dictate a lot in my near future. Boy was I ever worried. It took me hours and hours to get to sleep. I was far too afraid and paranoid to go to sleep, but I eventually did it, after 2AM that is.

Right before school I got a text from Troy.

Troy: My mom is on the phone with Silverado County Hospital rn.

Bella: Omg!! 😰 I'm sooo scared!!

Troy: Calm down, we haven't done too much, there's no way any of it's gonna come back positive. We aren't that unlucky, right?

Bella: You're right, I'm just overwhelmed.

Troy told me he'd tell me what the results are when we get to school. The morning went by pretty fast and the next thing I knew, I was rummaging through my locker shivering all over the place. "Hey Bells!" I heard a cheerful voice call. I turned to see my nonsenseful best friend, Pepper standing behind me. "Hey Pep, sorry, I'm kinda in a rush right now" I stuttered. "Why? What's up?" she pestered concerningly. "I gotta find Troy, that's all" I explained. "Howcome?" she asked. "He has something to tell me, that's all. You're late for cheer practice by the way" I added. "Oooh, right!" she startled herself. "Byyyyyye!" I heard her voice drift off as she ran in the other direction. Just then I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. "Troy!" I smiled, hugging him. "Hey.." he dully responded. "What's a matter?" I asked sadly. "I can't say, just look" Troy said handing me a folded sheet of paper. I hesitantly opened it. Here's what it said:

Silverado County Hospital
September 19, 2015

Patient #1: Dixon, Troy
Sexually Transmitted Disease
Test No. 1 - Negative
Test No. 2 - Negative
Test No. 3 - Negative

Patient #2: Dawson, Isabella
Pregnancy Test
Test No. 1 - Negative

Sexually Transmitted Disease
Test No. 1 - Negative
Test No. 2 - Negative
Test No. 3 - Positive

That word "positive" stuck out to me like a Christmas tree in a car lot. It wasn't actually bolded, that's just how I saw it. Troy shamefully watched me as I studied the page for longer than I must've imagined...

"I have a sexually transmitted disease?" I bluntly, and suddenly spoke to Troy. Troy nodded painfully. I could see in his eyes, something wasn't right. "What's wrong?" I asked, watching his eyes water. "I-It's my fault...I gave it to you and feel even worse because I didn't get it too" Troy cried, tears streaming down his sweet, adorable face I loved so much, he stuttered as he tried to speak. "Aww, it's not your fault! It was an accident!" I confirmed, hugging him closely. He sniffled, refusing to release me. "It's okay, I'm not mad at you" I spoke softly, wiping a tear off his face looking directly into his eyes. He nodded, touching me again. "You can let go" I insisted. He gripped me tighter, indicating that he didn't want to. I sighed. "It's okay, Troy. I'm okay, I'll get treatment and I'll be fine" I assured. He finally let me go and I was able to make my way to my next class.

I was feeling a bit strange, it felt wrong knowing I had an STD. What was I going to tell the girls? Newt? Sawyer? I don't want anyone judging me but I'm so damn tired of keeping secrets! Because the last time I tried that, Sophie walked in on Troy and I and then told every girl in our grade and they all ganged up on me. So...bad idea. I wasn't even paying attention in class at all that day. How could I?

Later that night I began texting Troy about everything. Our conversations are usually pretty broad.

Troy: Hey! You busy?

Bella: Nah, but I don't want us doing anything tonight.

Troy: Why not? Is it that stupid test? Bella, I can't tell you how sorry I am. I just feel guilty because you got it and I didn't.

Bella: No no, it's not that. I just don't want to make it worse. Trust me, it's not your fault it stimulated in me and not you. That's nothing in either of our control.

Troy: You sure?

Bella: Damn positive.

Troy: Kk! 😊 Can I come over though? Not to do anything weird tho..

Bella: Sure! And we can still be that cute couple if you want! Just not in bed until I'm cured of this damn STD.

Troy: Okay, that's cool.

Later that night, Troy came by and we cuddled on my couch. It was the part of the relationship that girls always loved, while stereotypically, boys love the physical sexual part of it. Just then, there was a knock at the door. It was Sawyer. "Hey Sawyer! What are you doing here?" I asked. "Not to be rude" Troy added. "We have to work on the plays tonight, remember?" Sawyer imputed. "Oh yeah!" Troy and I says simultaneously. "Well in that case" Sawyer started, removing his shoes and waking into my house. "Let's get started" he said.

Sawyer sat on the couch and worked hard on the plays while Troy and I cuddled and laughed, goofing off on the couch. "Seriously! Sawyer shouted. "You two are only productive in bed!" Sawyer added. Troy and I suddenly stopped and stared in bitter shock and silence. "Look Sawyer, I'm sorry. Do you want us to be productive?" Troy asked. "Please" Sawyer annoyedly responded. "Okay then. Bella, let's head to your bedroom!" Troy laughed. I hesitantly got up and followed him to the stairs. "What? Where are you guys going?!" Sawyer pestered. "You said we're only productive in bed. You said you wanted us to be productive, now we're going to go be productive. Questions?" Troy sassed. I was about to burst out laughing. That was the most hilarious conversation I had ever heard! Sawyer just shook his head and focused his attention back on the paper. Troy and I went upstairs and got in my bed. We didn't do anything too weird, I believe Troy really cared about me and didn't make me do anything until I was cured for my sanity. Now that's what a good friend looks like.

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