I Should've Listened

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"What the hell are you two doing?!" Sophie broke the silence. "Uhhh..." I drifted off out of pressure. "I was just trying to fix her cast, that's all" Troy quickly added. "Right...so you were fixing the cast on her neck by kissing it?" Sophie sassed. Troy and I exchanged wordless looks and ultimately looked back at Sophie. "Well!" Sophie wailed. "Say something!" she demanded. "Sophie, I can explain" I responded. "Yea we've covered that, now EXPLAIN!" Sophie screeched. "We just got caught up, I guess. We were watching multiple romantic movies and it just kind of happened. The movies changed the mood, you know." I explained. "Hmm" Sophie studied us. "Okay, fine" she finally agreed. We both let out a sigh and laugh of relief until Sophie interrupted. "But I'm watching you guys" she added before leaving the room. We both gave each other weird looks, terrified looks. "She's gonna kill me!" I suddenly let out in a shocker, fearful voice. "No way, she won't be laying a damn hand on you if I have anything to say about it" Troy intruded. I smiled at him, and began giggling. Troy began tickling me rapidly as I laughed my sweet head off. "Troy...stop!" I tried to say between breaths. "Okay okay!" Troy threw his hands up in defense just as I was about to tickle him back. We got into my bed and fell asleep together. Troy held me as close as he possibly could. It warmed my little heart.

The next morning at school, we tried our best to avoid Sophie at all costs. Troy walked alongside my wheelchair, jumping at every footstep he heard beyond his sight. "Troy, it's okay. We're at school, Sophie's not gonna try anything here" I comforted him. "I'm still terrified of her" Troy sighed. "She's not gonna hurt you, I promise" I swore. "Pfft! You think I'm worried about her taking ME on! Lol, no Bella, I'm worried about you." Troy said. "Aww, that's sweet but I don't think Sophie would do that to me, especially after Charlotte" I explained. "What do you have now?" Troy asked me. "Umm, gym class" I said. "I'm not in that class, and Sophie is!" Troy panicked. "Don't worry about me! There's always a teacher in the room and I told you, she's not gonna hurt me" I said. Troy sighed and let it go as he walked me to class. "Bye Troy! See you after gym!" I smiled.

As I walked into the gym, I saw everyone was already changed. I quickly realized I wasn't going to be participating in this condition, so I brought my stuff to the bleachers to watch the all girls gym class I loved so much. "Alright girls!" The teacher gathered them. I noticed Charlotte was not in class, she must've been caught or something. "Bella is back in class!" she announced as everyone turned to look back at me. I waved embarrassingly at my friends and classmates. I sat the entire class on my phone, doing other work and ultimately watching the girls. Just then, I had to go to the washroom so I strolled myself into the change room and went into the stall. After going to the washroom, I strolled out to find almost all the girls staring at me. "Uhhh...what's going on?" I asked hesitantly. Just then, Sophie stepped to the front of the crowd. "What've you been doing lately Bella? Like, for instance, last night?" she asked. "Oh crap, this isn't gonna end well. Troy was right, I shouldn't have gotten too comfortable. Boy, I really need him now. I just want him here protecting me" I thought as the girls surrounded me, waiting for an answer to Sophie's question. "So? You wanna tell everyone Bella? That you're--" I stopped her. "I wasn't doing anything, okay! Leave me alone, I don't know what the big deal is!" I shouted. "Big deal about what?" Sophie sassed me. "What I do outside of school, it's none of your guys' business" I responded. The teacher suddenly walked in, after hearing the yelling. "What in the world is going on here?!" she shouted. We all sat in silence. "Someone wanna tell me before I send you all down to the principal's office!" she demanded. "Nothing, it's all good" I spoke up. "You sure? Everybody's good?" she asked. Everyone nodded. "Good" she says exiting the change room. The entire room was silent as everyone changed from their gym strip back into their clothes.

At lunch, I had told Troy what happened, tears streaming down my face as we sat alone at the table. "Bella! I'm so sorry, but I told you she was up to no good, she had the entire class turned on you!" Troy cried. "I know, I know. I should've listened to you, I'm sorry. It's just nothing I'd ever expect out of Sophie" I cried. "I know, but with people you never know" Troy said. And he was right, it can happen with absolutely anyone, even the last person you'd expect. What I didn't know, was that I was about to re-learn that all over again.

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