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Sophie went home last night a few minutes after my mom got home. We visited for a bit, told her what happened. She felt sorry for both of us, seeing Sophie's devastation. I knew she would, my mom didn't see it coming from Troy either.

Anyway, back to the present day. I got up, got ready for school, my usual routine. Well now with 78% more injuries, but ya know. I was determined to find out why Troy had just randomly switched sides between me and Charlotte. I mean, before we would've literally died for me, he was madly in love with me too. Now he's all for Charlotte. Just like that. There's no way anybody can just flip from heads to tails that fast. It's just not possible. Especially due to how much Troy loved me before. I was gonna get to the bottom of this.

At school, I remembered I don't have any classes with Troy until last period, so I'd have to wait all day to get anywhere close to the answer. At lunch, I sat with Sophie, Pepper, Newt and Sawyer. Our normal squad, minus Troy. "Really? Are you sure we're talking about the same Troy?" Sawyer asked, not wanting to admit Troy would do such a thing. "Oh I'm sure" I assured him. "I saw it all" Sophie added. "Wow, I can't believe it" Newt sighed. "I can't either, I still don't" I replied. "Huh?" all four of them said at once. "I don't believe Troy would just turn on us like that" I explained. "But he did, Bella" Newt said on the verge of tears. "She just doesn't want to admit it" Pepper suggested. "No guys, it's not that. I really believe something strongly influenced Troy's change of heart" I educated. "Like what?" Sophie asked in a way that made it seem like there was nothing in the world that I could've said to convince her. "Like, maybe someone gave him some false information" I suggested. They all just kinda shrugged. "It really seemed like it was his own personal choice" Sophie argued. I sighed. "It's just Troy growing up, moving on" Sawyer agreed with her. "Yeah, he's just not interested in any of us anymore" Newt sighed. "If he really cared about you or any of us, he'd be here sitting with us, not with Charlotte and her snobby friends" Pepper added. "You know what? Y'all can give up on him all you want, but I'm not! Troy's my best friend and I know something's not right here" I defended. "Was your best friend" Newt stubbornly replied. I rolled my eyes at him. "You'll see, you all will see" I said removing myself from their table.

After lunch I had art class with Newt and a couple of my other friends I don't talk to very much. I stayed quiet the majority of art class, silently working on my art project. I just sat with myself in my thoughts. Most of them being about the situation with Troy and Charlotte. After art class was English, which I had with Troy, Pepper and Sophie. I knew I had to confront Troy at some point, no matter how much I was dreading it. I was terrified for his reaction, maybe he was just going to judge me for having the guts to say a word to him at this point. It reminded me of the time Troy and I watched that scary movie, Friday the 13th the night after we got back from the Dawson Family Camping Trip. I remember Troy bitterly stuttering, telling me how much he loved me, but it came out like he was horribly terrified, asking me to marry him. He was clearly downright horrified for what I was going to say, and it all ended okay. He was probably glad he said it, no matter how stupid he sounded. So I guess I'm just gonna have to hope for a similar result.

The bell rang and it was time for ELA class. I felt my body shaking in fear as I waved goodbye to the art teacher, strolling my wheelchair out of the art room. I strolled over to the elevator, which was how people in wheelchairs got upstairs. I strolled into the ELA room, spotting Sophie and Pepper and rolling myself up to them. "Are you seriously going to talk to Troy at this point?" Sophie questioned, speaking like she was trying to talk me out of this. "Yup, I have to eventually. Might as well get it over with" I informed. Just then I saw Troy walk in and I rolled over to him, dragging him outside the door of the classroom. "What the hell are you doing?" Troy asked annoyed. "I need to talk to you" I said motioning him toward the bathroom doors. He looked around to make sure nobody saw him, and followed me in front of the bathroom doors. "What do you want?" Troy asked. "What do I want? Troy, I want you back! I want the old Troy back, the one who would've taken a bullet for me, the one I need to get through this" I cried. He rolled his eyes at me, sighing. "Can't exactly do that" he informed. "What? Why not?" I asked confused. "Can't exactly tell you" he answered. "What? Why not?" I responded, becoming slightly frustrated. "I'm not even supposed to be talking to you at all, so--" I stopped him. "Seriously! What's going on? Why has everything just flipped upside down? Why aren't you holding my hand, taking care of me, sleeping next to me, cuddling me until we fall asleep, kissing me until I can't breathe, why aren't we best friends anymore?" I cried, tears streaming down my face. Troy sighed, I suddenly felt bad for him when I saw the almost-tears form in his eyes. "Look Bella, I really wanna help you out here, but I can't alright? You don't understand" Troy cried. "Then make me understand!" I shouted through the tears. "I-I can't, it's not that simple. Please trust me, I don't want anything happening to you so please just list--" Troy sobbed before being cut off. Charlotte walked in as Troy paused his sentence. "What on earth are you doing taking to her?!" she shouted. "Charlotte, please, I was just--" "Save it for the judge" she pleaded. "You know what happens now, don't you?" she reminded. "It's not like that, I can tell you what happened, please!" Troy begged. "Shut it, let's go" she demanded hauling him away. I gasped, tears filled my eyes. "What happens now?" I wondered to myself, rushing back into the classroom.

"Bella, sit down please, you're late" the teacher instructed. "But, Troy's--" "Sit. Down!" she repeated. I rolled over to my seat, removing the chair from the desk, replacing it with my wheelchair. "What happened?" Pepper whispered. "Shhh!" I told her. "Tell ya later" I added as the teacher continued talking. We continued to study Romeo and Juliet, it made me miss my Romeo. I spent the entire class questioning everything that happened out there with Troy and Charlotte. The next thing I knew, the bell was ringing and everyone was tripping each other to get out of class. Just then, the teacher called my name. "Could you come here a sec?" she demanded. I strolled myself over to her, I thought for sure I was in trouble for being late. "Do you know where Troy was all class?" she asked. I drew a blank. "I saw him walk in then he never came back after you took him outside" she added. "No, sorry I don't know" that I wasn't lying about. "Hmm" she studied me. "M'kay, feel better, have a great day" she responded, letting me go. "Thanks" I said strolling out.

I packed my stuff from my locker and made my way outside. I went behind the school because it was the quickest way home. Right then, I couldn't believe what I saw. It was almost like I was reliving my own tragedy, except this time I was the witness.

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