Romeo and Juliet

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After school that day, I brought home hours of homework. It was like a mountain, it could climb that damn pile. I was getting to work when I heard a knock at the door. I strolled over and struggled to open it. I saw my best friend in the entire world, Troy standing there looking all cute. "Hey you!" I invited him in. "Listen Bella" he began. I suddenly got fearful that he was gonna say something about us not working out or something. "No Troy, I get it. We're Romeo and Juliet, we're not supposed to be together, I get that I'm not worth the fight" I sighed. I dropped my head and it went silent. I then looked up and saw tears filling Troy's cute brown eyes. "Really Bella? That's what you thought I was going to say? God child, the only thing that matters to me more than myself is you. And like Romeo and Juliet, I'd die for you, if I couldn't be with you." Troy explained. Tears rushed down my face real fast. I cried hard, but didn't make a sound. Troy looked at me and gasped. He grabbed onto me and pulled me up from the wheelchair, holding me in his arms, completely supporting me so I wouldn't hurt myself. "I love you so much" I continued to cry. "I don't even know what to say, there's no words strong enough to describe how much I love you" Troy responded. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me" I cried. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to the entire world" Troy exaggerated. We both cried on each other's shoulders. Then we pulled apart as Troy helped me back into my wheelchair. I threw my homework all back into my backpack and invited Troy upstairs into my room. We sat on my bed and talked for hours. We talked about each other, how much we love each other and just how important we were to one another.

Damn it, I could never explain how I feel about Troy. There are no words in the world that could possibly be strong enough. It could never happen. I just want to spend my entire life with him. I don't care where, I just want to see him. I just want to look at him and touch him and talk to him. He's my everything, I can't even explain. I'm dead serious about this, and the worst part is, we really are the Romeo and Juliet of the 21st century. We love each other more than words can express and can't tell anybody about it. If anyone found out, I don't know what would happen and I don't wanna know.

We watched movies like Mean Girls, The Hunger Games, If I Stay and The Fault in Our Stars. We cuddled like crazy, with moments that temporarily tuned out the movies. Troy laid down on my bed, I was next to him, snuggled deeply into him. As the credits played for the final movie, I found myself on top of Troy (still fully clothed of course). He rubbed and gently pressed my back. I leaned my head on his shoulder, trying to get comfortable. "I love you" Troy whispered to me. "I love you to heaven and back" I responded. I lifted my head and Troy kissed me. We flipped positions and Troy was now on top of me as we kissed. "Ouch!" I wailed in pain. Troy rolled off of me. "My god, sorry Bella! I forgot about your injuries" Troy apologized. "Just be careful" I said motioning him to get back on me. He crawled on me, avoiding my left leg with the huge cast on it, as well as my arm that was in a sling. Troy rubbed my waistline on both sides, running his hands along my body. Troy began kissing my neck and chest, I breathed heavily. He gripped and scratched my arms, and in the moment I didn't care, but I knew I'd regret it when I was to shower tomorrow morning. Troy continued kissing my neck, I couldn't help but laugh a little. "I love it when you do that" I said in a soft, sweet voice. "I love everything you do" Troy responded lifting his head up. "We'd be killed by the entire team if they found out about this" I said. "Tell me about it" Troy agreed. Just as Troy began kissing my neck as I rubbed his rapidly, Sophie walked into my bedroom. She stood and stared in shock for about 30 seconds. "What?!" she whispered, neither Troy or I knew she was there. "Bella!" she shouted. Troy rolled off of me and turned his attention to Sophie, as I did the same. All three of us stared at one another in bitter shock.

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