Lock-Her Room Affection

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The next day, I tried my best to complete avoid the idea of having a damn STD. Besides, I was scheduled for treatment to get rid of it soon so I believed I'd be fine. Troy and I decided to hangout after school today. We always had fun together and I was pretty much over the fact that he gave me that STD. Those tests they did on me did make me uncomfortable but it was over with so I guess I'll be fine.

Football practice started at 3pm and ended at 5pm. The entire team was changing in the locker room when I heard a knock on my lock-her. "Oh my god, what? Don't they know the curtain is closed for a reason" I thought, but instead I shouted, "Who is it?" hoping they'd answer before walking in on me. I was only in my pink tank top and underwear that is. "Troy!" he responded back. I looked down at myself and sighed. "I'm not exactly decent" I warned. "How decent? Are you showing anything?" he asked. I looked down once again before answering. "Um, no" I decided. "K, I'm coming in" Troy said slipping through the curtain making sure nobody else saw inside. "What do you want?" I asked. He didn't answer, just stared at me with a blank look on his face. "What? I told you I wasn't decent" I reminded. "Oh you're more than decent" Troy joked. I rolled my eyes. "You haven't answered my question" I added. "I just wanted to see you, that's all. I missed ya" he explained. "And it couldn't wait until I was done changing?" I questioned, grabbing my skirt from my pink sparkly bag and stepping into it. Troy ignored me, gently pushing me back onto the bench behind us, sitting down next to me. "Nope" he smiled. I felt his hand suddenly upon my thigh, gently rubbing it over top of my skirt. I tried not to giggle, but it came out faintly. He began moving higher, and went under my skirt, shoving it up to my waist, continuing to run his hand along my thigh. I slowly sighed, leaning my head on his shoulder, not trying hard enough to pretend I wasn't having fun. I placed my hand on his thigh as well, except his was covered in his denim jeans. He didn't seem to mind when I began thrusting my hand deeper into his leg. He brought his hand up to my waist and all the way up my body to my neck and shoulders. He gently pushed the straps off my shoulders and leaned in, placing kisses all over my neck. "You're gonna give me a damn hickey" I complained. "I'm not doing that, I'm just kissing you, lightly. Normally" he defended. I rolled my eyes and let him continue to kiss me. I felt his other hand roll down to my thigh as he began to roughly massage it. I tried not to make any noises, but I softy moaned to myself, I didn't even think Troy heard it. He pulled my leg onto the bench and rubbed his hand along my entire leg, finding the smoothness and perfection of it too addicting to stop. I placed my hand over his "Property of Bulldogs Football" t-shirt and pressed lightly on his chest, rubbing back and fourth. Suddenly there was a knock again. We both jumped and I fell off the bench. "Ou!" I whispered as Troy helped me to my feet. I pulled my skirt back down and straightened myself out before answering. "Who is it now?" I pounded. "It's Coach" he responded madly. Troy and I exchanged fearful looks before turning my attention back to Coach. "What is it?" I decided to say. "Dawson, why are you still here? The rest of the team left 20 minutes ago" he asked. "Geez, it's really been that long" I wondered. "Sorry Coach!" I apologized, looking at Troy the whole time. "Well hurry up, I got to lock the place up" he responded, walking into his office. "Go!" I whisper shouted at Troy. We both cleaned up and rushed out of the lock-her. "Bye Coach!" I yelled before we both rushed out.

We got to the Starcade where the entire team was already finishing up the pizza. "Aw man, you didn't save us any?" I complained staring directly at Newt. "Where were you guys?" Newt asked, ignoring my question. "Uhhh..." Troy blanket out. Great, now it was up to me to save us. "We were just going over a few plays, then Coach kicked us out to lock up" I explained. We sat down with the squad and Sawyer gave me his last piece of pizza. "Geez, I'm gonna be going to the bathroom every 10 minutes for the next week. Thanks a lot, Troy" I thought, stuffing the pepperoni pizza in my mouth. "Oh well, it was definitely worth it!" I decided.

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